June 2023 Languages Update
Dear colleagues,
For those of you just back from your half term break, I hope it was a relaxing one and you’re feeling ready for the last part of the school year.
Hopefully you have also heard by now that we have received accreditation for our GCSE French 2024. Once we have submitted the German and Spanish to Ofqual we will be able to share our draft materials with you. We look forward to being able to do this soon.
As usual, please get in touch if you have any questions, I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes,
GCSE French, German and Spanish 2024
The Pearson Edexcel GCSE French 2024 has now been accredited!
We are now pleased to offer more face-to-face and online launch events.
We'll soon be submitting our German and Spanish GCSEs to Ofqual for accreditation. Once submitted, our draft specification and sample assessment materials for German and Spanish will be shared with you.

Pearson Edexcel New MFL GCSE 2024: Draft vs Accredited - Listening & Reading

Pearson Edexcel New MFL GCSE 2024: Draft Vs Accredited - Speaking

Pearson Edexcel New MFL GCSE 2024: Draft Vs Accredited - Writing & Vocab
Training on offer this term
Mastering Grammar and Translation in GCSE Modern Languages (French, German and Spanish).
This event is for teachers who are delivering GCSE languages and will give a range of practical strategies and activities to help your students master grammar and translation.
Strategies and activities will be exemplified in French, German and Spanish.
Delegates will:
- explore the importance of grammar, particularly in relation to translation
- consider the grammar structures students should be familiar with and able to recognise/use
- look at strategies and practical activities to support mastery of grammar
- look at strategies and practical activities to support translation.
Opportunities with Pearson
This vacancy is now closed.
GCSE Modern Foreign Languages - Credible Specialist.
Want to put your languages and training experience to use out of the classroom? Are you passionate about training other education professionals to enhance student potential?
If the answer is yes, you could be the right fit for us in the Modern Languages Team at Pearson Edexcel.
This position would suit someone working part-time or contract worker.
Exam wellbeing support
Every student’s experience of exams is different, and we understand that preparing for and sitting exams can be overwhelming. If you haven’t seen it already, our Exam Wellbeing Hub is available to support students and their families through every step of the exam journey – from revision and exam day through to results day. Alongside guidance and top tips, there are also details of charities and organisations that can help with mental health and wellbeing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Explore our Exam Wellbeing Hub
Plus, our Wellbeing Zone is also available all year round to support teachers, students and family with mental health and wellbeing.
Summer 2023
Candidate consent is required before requesting script copies. Candidate consent can only be obtained after results have been published, but you may wish to plan in advance of results days for how you will organise gaining consent.