Languages | Pearson qualifications


Interested in the Edexcel Certificate or revised International GCSEs?
This update offers a quick overview of the Edexcel Certificate and International GCSEs with key links and related FAQs.

Confirmed dates for new GCSE and A level qualifications
Confirmed dates for first teaching and first examination of new GCSE and A level qualifications.

New World Cup languages initiative with Arsenal Football Club
A new initiative linking language learning to the upcoming 2014 World Cup in Brazil.

Changes to GCSEs in languages in 2016 and how to get involved
The latest subject content and assessment objectives for new GCSEs for first teaching in 2016 and how to get involved in our teacher panel.

GCE A level 2016 and linked Ofqual consultation
A draft of proposed subject content for the new A levels in Modern Foreign Languages and a linked Ofqual consultation have now been published.

Languages GCSE redevelopments
Summary update on GCSE developments and the linked Ofqual consultation analysis.

Enquiries about results - summer 2014
Support for centres about summer 2014 results with references to services and support.

Important: 2015 entry deadlines, oral exam windows and other key dates for language teachers
Make a note of the 2015 entry deadlines, oral exam windows and other key dates for language teachers.

Getting ready for the 2015 orals
This update includes comprehensive guidance, dates and FAQs to help teachers and exam officers arrange and prepare for oral exams and assessments.

Key guidance, dates and qualification information
To try to save you time at this busy this time of year calling, emailing or searching for information on our website, here are some useful links for you.

Accessing sound files and transcripts for live listening examinations
Sound files for our listening examinations are available for download through our special live materials secure download service (SDS). Find out how to get started.

Ready for summer 2015 results day
This update summarises how to access documents and services that you may need during the summer 2015 results period.

New GCE 2016 French, German and Spanish submissions
An update on new GCE 2016 submissions for French, German and Spanish.

Getting ready for the 2016 orals
An update on the forthcoming 2016 oral examinations or controlled speaking assessments.

Spelling reforms from the French Academy
An update on the impact of the French language spelling reforms on Pearson qualifications.

Getting ready for the summer 2016 GCSE languages controlled assessments submissions
This update contains a reminder of the guidance available to support you as you process the GCSE controlled assessments submissions from your centre.

Ready for summer 2016 results day
This update summarises how to access documents and services that you may need during the summer 2016 results period.

GCSEs and A levels in lesser-taught languages: first teaching 2018
Pearson will be offering redeveloped Edexcel A level qualifications in a range of lesser-taught languages for first teaching in 2018 and first A level assessment in 2020.

Publisher support for new 2017 GCSE in Chinese
News about forthcoming publisher support for new 2017 GCSE in Chinese

Modern Foreign Languages: July 2017 update
Read the latest information on Edexcel A level Modern Foreign Languages, including key dates, latest news and training events. This update will also cover details on preparing for results day.

Links to the 2018 timetables and oral windows
Discover the dates for the 2018 and oral windows for all Pearson-Edexcel language qualifications and gain easy access to the 2018 timetables.

Scaling on AS French, AS German and AS Spanish (2016 specification)
Scaling of marks for AS French, AS German and AS Spanish (2016 specification)

Linking with others for Visiting Examiner-conducted orals in 2018
Find out more about how you can work with other centres with small candidate numbers to form a consortium hub for Visiting Examiner conducted orals in 2018.

Understanding the prescribed sequencing grid for the 9-1 GCSE orals
Find out more about how to apply the sequencing requirements for the 9-1 GCSE orals.

Entry deadlines for Summer 2018
This update contains details of the entry deadlines for the Summer 2018 series.

Examiner vacancies for Summer 2018
Pearson have exciting opportunities for Languages teachers to become Examiners for our Edexcel GCSE, International GCSE and A Level Languages qualifications.

Support for the 2018 speaking tests all in one place
Find key guidance, forms and documents for the all speaking tests across all Pearson Edexcel language qualifications in one place.

Scaling support for A level French, German and Spanish (2016 specifications)
Discover more about scaling and its impact on the raw marks for A levels in French, German and Spanish.

Scaling support for AS Languages (2016 and 2017 specifications)
Discover more about how the raw marks are scaled in the 2016 AS qualifications in French, German and Spanish and the 2017 AS qualifications in Chinese, Italian and Russian.

Scaling support for GCSEs in French, German and Spanish
Scaling support for GCSEs in French, German and Spanish.

2018-2019 speaking test windows and entries
2018-2019 speaking test windows and entries

Withdrawal of Edexcel Entry Level Certificate qualifications
A number of Edexcel Entry Level Certificates have now been withdrawn and are no longer available for assessment.

GCSE tier of entry decisions
Advice and guidance on how to make tier of entry decisions for your students.

New Sequencing grids for GCSE speaking tests
We have introduced revised sequencing grids for GCSE speaking tests from 2019 that should be much easier to use.

Speaking test information all in one place - 2019
Find key information and useful 'quick links' all in one place. These will help you prepare for, administer and conduct the speaking tests for all of our language qualifications.

Subject advisor online support briefings
Subject advisor online support briefings.

Scaling support for 2016 and 2017 specification GCSE languages
Scaling support for GCSEs in languages 2016 7 2017 specifications.

Getting ready for results summer 2019: A Level Languages
This update reminds you how to access some documents and services that you may need during the summer 2019 A level results period.

Support for the summer 2019 results: GCSE languages
This update reminds you how to access some documents and services that you may need during the summer 2018 GCSE results period.

2020 speaking test windows and entry deadlines
2020 summer speaking test windows and entry deadlines information

Scaling support for the 9-1 International GCSE in English as a second language
Scaling support for the 9-1 International GCSE in English as a second language

Free 9-1 GCSE network support meetings
Find out more about these network events primarily for teachers of GCSE French, German and Spanish

Speaking test information all in one place 2020
This update provides you with speaking test information for 2020

GCSE tier of entry decisions
Guidance on tier of entry decisions and the potential grades available.

No 'London Centre Orals' to take place for the summer 2020 examinations
No 'London Centre Orals' to take place for the summer 2020 examinations

Supporting independent learning for GCSE French German and Spanish
This update refers to key support available for teachers seeking help with remote GCSE language learning

GCSE network support sessions to support remote teaching and learning this April
Free online events to promote and support remote teaching and learning of GCSE languages.

Are your students 'future ready'?
Discover more about the special appeal of our 'Project' qualifications for today’s learners and how they can support language learning.

More free GCSE training this summer
Discover more about further free training opportunities available this summer for GCSE language teachers

Dedicated YouTube channel for Languages Subject Advisor
A YouTube channel has been set up recently with recordings of key Language Subject Advisor briefings all in one place.

Amended GCSEs in French, German and Spanish: FAQs
Discover more about the new changes. FAQs have been produced to explain the rationale for the modifications and to highlight the important improvements made.

Exciting news for your Spanish A level students
Find out more about an impressive series of free international webinars on Hispanic literature planned for later this year.

Summer 2020 results day update
Summer 2020 results day update, highlighting what you need to know before, on and after results day.

FAQs: GCSE Summer 2021 assessments (All languages)
FAQs have been complied to help you understand the key changes made to 2021 assessments for GCSEs in languages. These follow on from the July 2020 Ofqual consultation and the related 'Decisions' document.

Autumn 2020 assessments
This feature provides an overview of the special autumn 2020 assessment series. It refers to key dates, the withdrawal of speaking tests, revised paper weightings, restricted entries and information on grading.

Update on speaking endorsement
This quick update refers to the support available for this important element of the amendments made to GCSE and International GCSE language assessments in summer 2021.

A blog written by by Nick Brown, the Head of MFL and EPQ at Lincoln Castle Academy, a comprehensive school in the Midlands, on the Pearson Edexcel Project Qualification.

Why languages matter
Pearson takes a look at how language learning helps promote awareness and understanding of different cultures and offers so much more besides.

Summer 2021 Appeals
This feature provides key support for summer 2021 appeals

GCSE and International GCSE grades for summer 2021
This update offers a useful reminder of the nature of grading this summer and how grades and levels will be reported.

Autumn 2021 assessments: Languages
This feature provides an overview of the autumn 2021 exams series. It refers to key dates, qualifications offered, candidate eligibility, the assessment of target-language speaking and provides quick links to the exam timetables.

Speaking windows for summer 2022
Speaking windows for summer 2022

Proposed changes to GCSE MFL subject content
Proposed changes to GCSE MFL subject content

New digital processes for speaking submissions and listening exams
All candidate speaking recordings and associated paperwork for languages qualifications will now need to be uploaded and submitted using our online Learner Work Transfer (LWT) portal. All audio files for live listening exams will now need to be downloaded via our Secure Download Service (SDS).

Gender-neutral language and inclusivity in the MFL classroom
An article exploring the use of gender-neutral words and inclusive approaches in grammatically-gendered languages such as French, German, Spanish and Italian.

Explore our MFL diversity and inclusion resources
Explore our diversity and inclusion resources for the languages classroom, including Black History, gender-neutral language, the influence of Islam, and race.

Summer 2022 results support
Guidance documents for the summer 2022 results period, including post-results support.

Teaching languages summer update
Teaching languages summer update for all MFL qualifications from the Pearson Languages Subject Advisor

Timeline for new French, German and Spanish GCSEs
An update on the new French, German and Spanish GCSEs in development, for first teaching September 2024 and first examination May/June 2026.

Celebrate the European Day of Languages
European Day of Languages teaching resource and prize draw

2023 speaking windows confirmed
The prescribed speaking window dates for conducting Modern Foreign language oral assessments in January 2023 and May/June 2023 exam series.

New International GCSE ESL specification in development
New International GCSE English as a Second Language in development for first teaching from September 2023.

DfE and Ofqual decisions on 2023 exams
An update by the DfE and Ofqual on 2023 exam arrangements.

Level 3 Extended Project Qualification in Ukrainian
New guidance on using an EPQ to support Ukrainian student in the UK.

Amendments to Paper 4 Writing for GCSE Modern Languages
An update of Ofqual approval of GCSE French, German and Spanish Paper 4 amendments.

Changes to GCSE MFL papers from summer 2023
An update on Ofqual's consultation decision to extend vocabulary adaptations to GCSE MFL papers.

2024 speaking windows confirmed
The prescribed speaking window dates for conducting Modern Foreign language oral assessments in May/June 2024.

September 2023 Languages Update
Languages subject advisor September update

February 2024 Languages Update
In the February 2024 Languages update we have lots to share in relation to resources and support both for our current and new specifications.

March 2024 Languages Update
March 2024 Languages Update

Speaking Windows for International Languages Qualifications - November 2024 and January 2025
Details of the Speaking Windows for International Languages Qualifications dates in November 2024 and January 2025

Listening and Reading Exam Scheduling from 2026
Our reading and listening exams for GCSE French, German and Spanish will be scheduled in separate exam sessions from Summer 2026. Learn more

May 2024 Languages Update
The May 2024 Languages update includes support for GCSE French, German and Spanish 2024, training and information on tutoring

Getting ready for our new 2024 GCSE French, German & Spanish
Discover the training and support we have on offer to help you prepare for our new 2024 French, German and Spanish GCSEs

2025 speaking windows confirmed
The prescribed speaking window dates for conducting Modern Foreign language oral assessments in May/June 2025.

June 2024 Languages Update
The June 2024 Languages update includes support for GCSE French, German and Spanish 2024, training and a request for feedback on Home, Heritage and Community languages.

GCE A Level Chinese and Japanese amendment
An update on the GCE A Level Chinese and Japanese amendment for first teaching September 2024 and first assessment June 2026.

July 2024 Languages Update
The July 2024 Languages update includes support for GCSE French, German and Spanish 2024 and key exam results reminders.

Getting Ready for Results 2024
The July 2024 Languages update includes support for GCSE French, German and Spanish 2024 and key exam results reminders.


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