December 2023 Citizenship Studies subject update
Welcome to your Pearson Edexcel Citizenship Studies December 2023 subject update!
As we come to the end of 2023, I wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge thank you for all of your hard work and dedication in teaching GCSE Citizenship Studies. Whatever your plans over the upcoming holiday, I hope you have a fantastic and restful break!
As always, if you have any queries about anything in this subject update or about our qualification, then please do get in touch with me.
Best wishes,
Susan Currey
Citizenship Studies Subject Advisor
Contact details:
☎ Call: 0344 463 2535
✉ Email:
💻 Book a Teams meeting with me:
The 2024 Pearson National Teaching Awards are now open for entry!
The Pearson National Teaching Awards aim to raise the profile of the teaching profession, highlight the positive impact teachers and school leaders have in our society – with pupils, parents and the wider community, and show teachers how much they are valued.
Entry is free, and the awards are open to all state and independent schools and FE colleges in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
2024 entries are now open, and we want to get as many early entries in as possible. Deadline for applications is 1st March.
A nomination can have a huge impact, not just on those entered, but on the whole community. Become part of the 25 year legacy and enter today at
A 2023 Silver Winner said: “The profession needs to be shouted from the rooftops. They work incredibly hard & dedicate their lives to young people - it’s vital they get the recognition they deserve.”
If you enter before 22 December you will be eligible for early bird feedback on your entry, along with the chance to win 2 x free tickets to one of the prestigious 2024 celebratory events to meet and network with fellow educators.
2024 Categories
- Outstanding New Teacher of the Year, supported by the Department for Education
- Lifetime Achievement, supported by the Department for Education·
- FE Lecturer, supported by the Department for Education·
- FE Team of the Year, supported by the Department for Education
- Headteacher of the Year in a Primary School, supported by Hays Education
- Headteacher of the Year in a Secondary School, supported by Hays Education·
- Teacher of the Year in a Primary School·
- Teacher of the Year in a Secondary School, supported by Nord Anglia Education
- Digital Innovator of the Year, supported by Nord Anglia Education
- Primary School of the Year – Making a Difference
- Secondary School of the Year – Making a Difference
- Excellence in Special Needs Education
- Early Years Team of the Year
- Teaching Assistant of the Year·
- Impact through Partnership
- Unsung Hero
Don’t forget to watch this year’s awards live on BBC The One Show from 20th-24th Nov.
Minor changes have been made to the sample assessment materials for GCSE Citizenship Studies. A source in Paper 1 has been amended and, a typographical error corrected; where reference to part (e) should have been part (d).
Please note that these changes should serve to improve clarity and that amendments made to the source, do not affect the task as it is purely being used as a stimulus, to prompt ideas for the writing task that follows.
‘Citizenship Studies in the News’ aims to stimulate discussion for GCSE Citizenship Studies by considering contemporary issues and their relevance to our lives. We have compiled a range of current news articles* and linked these to the key questions, explored in themes A-D of the specification. You may wish to investigate and integrate into your teaching practice to help contextualise key issues and bring
the subject to life!
Edition 6 includes the following 4 articles:
- Theme A: ‘Refugee pictures aims to reshape narrative and counter negative rhetoric' - Written by Aine Fox for The Standard
- Theme B: ‘Latest UK Opinion Polls: Government approval recent changes’ - IPSOS publishes the latest results of UK opinion polls and voting intentions.
- Theme C: ‘New strategy to tackle organised crime’ - Published on GOV.UK
- Theme D: ‘Uplift and Greenpeace take government to court to stop Rosebank oil field’ - Written by Phil Richards for Greenpeace.
Citizenship action submission
Citizenship action is a planned course of informed action to address a citizenship issue or question of concern and aimed at delivering a benefit or change for a particular community or wider society. This is a required part of the GCSE Citizenship Studies course and students are examined on their action as part of Paper 2.
Each year, centres must certify that candidates have completed their Citizenship Action and submit a form to confirm this.
This must be submitted by 15th May.
The links to the Citizenship Action form and the authentification submission are below:
Citizenship Action Guidance
For further support around Citizenship Action, we have the following guide available to centres:
Young Citizens support teachers in running lessons and activities to improve student understanding about law. Every year, they run a range of activities known as the 'Big Legal Lesson'.
This will run between 11th-22nd March in 2024
They provide materials to support taster activities, assemblies, lesson plans and media support packs.
Young Citizens: The Big Legal Lesson
To read more about the 'Big Legal Lesson'
The Big Legal Lesson 2024 (Secondary)
To access resources aimed at Secondary students
You can book a free school trip to UK Parliament and claim up to 75% of your travel costs back.
To help students understand politics and government in action, you can take students to visit the UK Parliament, enjoy a tour and participate in a workshop linked to your curriculum within the UK Parliament.
Visit UK Parliament
Read more about organising a free school trip to UK Parliament