BTEC Tech Award (2022) results information
Results day information for the BTEC Tech Award (2022)
Results day
The final results are released to your centre on results day along with the final Moderator Report which will explain where it may have been necessary to adjust your centre’s marks and provide guidance for future assessment.
Results will be released to Centres on 23/08/23 and can be released to learners on 24/08/23
Accessing the Moderator report
You can access the Support Index to see how to access results for the Tech Award (2022).
Post Results
If you are unhappy with the results, you may request a Review of Moderation (RoM Service 3). You can find details of this service on our post results page.
New Key dates for 2023/24
There is a new Key dates document for the Tech Awards with the key dates for 2023/24. It contains the dates for the release of the PSAs and the Exam dates for January and May/June.
Subject advisor
Esther Trehearn