BTEC CPLD Level 3 external assessment next steps | Pearson qualifications

BTEC CPLD Level 3 external assessment next steps

30 July 2014

This article provides guidance and support for centres delivering the Unit 1 - Child Development external assessment unit with a focus on exemplar materials, resit opportunities and key dates for teachers, learners and exam officers.  

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What's next?

Firstly, there is no compensation for the Pearson BTEC Level 3 Nationals in CPLD. Learners should successfully complete all core and mandatory units and get at least a pass grade in order to achieve the whole qualification.

If you have a learner who has not passed, for example, the Unit 1 - Child development external assessment unit and has therefore not completed the qualification, then they will receive a Notification of Performance. The Notification of Performance gives the titles of the units studied and the grade achieved in each – this is sometimes known as a student profile, and shows what a learner has achieved on the course studied.

BTEC Level 3 Nationals in CPLD resit opportunity

If one or more of your learners wants to resit the externally assessed unit to improve the grade they received for Unit 1 - Child Development, you firstly need to decline their overall qualification grade. You may decline the grade before the certificate is issued; for a learner receiving their results in August, you should decline the grade by the end of September if the learner intends to resit the external assessment. To decline a grade you will need to email

External assessment entries

The basedata will be available from 14 September 2014, whereby your exams officer will be able to make entries for the Unit 1 - Child Development. The deadline for making an entry for a learner to sit the BTEC Level 3 CPLD exam in January 2014 is 21 October 2014.

Exam materials

After each external assessment window, the exam paper, mark scheme and lead examiner report will be made available to help you understand and analyse your learners’ achievements, as well as to help prepare learners for future assessment. The documents are available on the BTEC CPLD results support page. Please note that they are secure and will require your Edexcel Online login to access them.

Exemplar exam paper

An exemplar exam paper is available on the main BTEC CPLD page and is a completed answer paper to the June 2013 assessment, made up of Distinction-level answers, with commentary from the Lead Examiner.

If you would like to be added to my mailing list, then please email me at with ‘Please add me to your mailing list’ in the subject box. My regular e-updates provide teachers with the most up-to-date information from within the sector and include direct web links for when resources become available.

I hope you have found this update useful. Should you have any questions, then please feel free to contact me on the email address below.


Esther Trehearn, Health and Social Care and Childcare
Esther TrehearnHealth and Social Care

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