October A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update | Pearson qualifications

A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art October update

Tue Oct 01 13:57:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to the October update from your Subject Advisor

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I hope you are enjoying a successful school year and have been able to support your students effectively. I wanted to provide a quick update on some key training and support resources available to inform your planning, delivery, and assessment.

Our website offers a variety of support materials, and I have included them in this update for your convenience. Additionally, I've identified some useful resources from other organisations that you may find beneficial. I encourage you to take advantage of these and invite you to join us for our training sessions and events throughout the year. We are committed to providing ongoing support to help you excel in your role.

For updates on the qualification(s) you deliver, please click on the relevant sections below.


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 General Updates


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Art and Design Network Events

These free online events are designed to look at various aspects of teaching and learning in Art and Design and are an opportunity to discuss ideas with subject experts and fellow teachers. 

In this live network event held on 11 September 2024, our subject advisor Jaclyn Wiid introduced a range of evidence-based curriculum planning and delivery approaches in Art and Design.

The session looked at what makes a successful Art and Design curriculum for GCSE, International GCSE and A Level and explored new resources on the Pearson website to support teachers in their planning and delivery.

Art and Design Network: Curriculum Planning

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In this live network event held on 24 September 2024, a member of our senior examining team discussed the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Pearson Edexcel Art and Design qualifications.

The session explored both acceptable and inappropriate uses of AI in student portfolios, providing further explanation and visual evidence to compliment the written guidance released by Pearson.

A recording of the event will be available soon on the Art and Design training playlist.

Watch the recording of the AI in Art and Design event once published

5 December 2024 16:00-17:00 BST

In this online network, run by our credible specialist for Textile Design, teachers will explore a range of practical teaching and learning strategies for fostering creativity and originality in the endorsed title of Textile Design.

The session is open to all but will be particularly well suited to teachers new to delivering Textile Design through the Art and Design specification.

5 February 2025 16:30-17:30 GMT

In this online network, run by our credible specialist for Three-dimensional Design, teachers will explore practical teaching and learning strategies for promoting a creative and personal design process in the endorsed title of Three-dimensional Design. The session will be particularly well suited to teachers new to delivering Three-dimensional Design through the Art and Design specification.


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Updated JCQ Guidance

JCQ have published updated 2024-2025 Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments guidance which includes clarification on the awarding of 25% extra time in a timed Art examination as well as the new arrangement to listen to music/white noise due to a substantial impairment.

Read the updated JCQ Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments guidance

2024-2025 JCQ guidance states:

'25% extra time would be awarded in a timed Art examination where a candidate has a formally diagnosed medical condition, a physical disability or a sensory impairment which has a substantial and adverse effect on their manual dexterity, their physical coordination. The candidate is demonstrably slower when, for example, mixing paints, painting and/or sketching. 

In rare and exceptional circumstances there may be candidates with substantially slower processing, poor memory skills, difficulties with sequencing and/or visual perceptual weaknesses which are impacting on their ability to perform the skill to their expected level when under timed conditions.'

2024-2025 JCQ guidance states:

'For those qualifications listed within the Deadlines section, an application must be processed using Access arrangements online.

The SENCo must complete Form 9 confirming the candidate’s disability. This will be a candidate with social, emotional and mental health needs or a candidate with a sensory impairment such as tinnitus or misophonia. Formal evidence must be available to confirm the candidate’s medical condition.

The centre must ensure that the candidate uses a device which cannot be connected to the internet. 

The music playlist must be checked to ensure an advantage is not conferred to the candidate.'

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New Pearson Edexcel Facebook Page

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Check out our new Facebook page where we’ll be providing the latest updates about our qualifications and services. Make sure you're following us on socials to keep up to date with the latest news.


Follow Pearson Edexcel on Facebook



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 GCSE Art and Design Updates

Date GCSE Art and Design
21 November 2024 Deadline to submit estimated entries (to receive hardcopies of the ESA)
2 January 2025 Release of the Component 2 externally set assignment paper (ESA)
21 February 2025 Deadline for entries (late entry fees after this date)
15 May 2025 Start of moderator visits
48 hours prior to
moderation visit
Marks submitted on Edexcel Online for visiting moderation
31 May 2025

International centres only:

Marks submitted on Edexcel Online for digital moderation 

Sampled work submitted on Learner Work Transfer

27 June 2025 End of moderator visits
21 August 2025 Results day

Check out our free face-to-face coursework marking training for GCSE Art and Design, available to book 25 November 2024 - 30 January 2025 in London, Birmingham and York.

You will have the opportunity to mark actual Component 1 and Component 2 portfolios across a range of titles and levels from the most recent exam series, with senior members of the examining team guiding you through assessment decisions.

There will be opportunities to network with colleagues from other schools and discuss best practices in assessment.

The events will conclude with a Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask our trainers any questions about the course.

If you are unable to attend our free face-to-face training events or you just want a refresher, check out our free online training for GCSE Art and Design. This training is available on demand as well as through live virtual sessions at various times to cater for different time zones.

Check out our series of bitesize videos created to support you with evidencing and assessing the assessment objectives in GCSE Art and Design.

GCSE Art and Design bitesize videos

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

Please note, our Contextual References guide has been updated to include references to more local galleries in the UK, alongside national and international institutions, as well as a more diverse range of starting points for students to explore. 

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Your centre moderator report (E9) published on Edexcel Online gives feedback regarding the accuracy of centre marking and can be useful for informing planning, delivery and assessment in future series.

Pearson are limited on the type of feedback included in these reports as per regulations for all exam boards. As such, I have created a bitesize video to help you get the most from your centre moderator report (E9).

Watch the GCSE E9 report video

Getting the most from your GCSE Art and Design moderator report (E9 report)

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The Principal Moderator report discusses the quality of work submitted in each assessment series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials and these are managed by your Exams Officer.

Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance level and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way to assess and standardise internally.

Use these exemplars alongside the Taxonomy, which gives descriptors for each performance level, and the Assessment Grid to accurately assess learner work.

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GCSE Exemplar Gallery artwork

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 International GCSE Art and Design Updates

Date International GCSE Art and Design
2 January 2025 Online release of the Component 2 externally set assignment paper (ESA)
21 March 2025 Deadline for entries (late entry fees after this date)
31 May 2025 All work submitted digitally on Learner Work Transfer for external assessment
21 August 2025 Results day

Check out our series of bitesize videos created to support you with evidencing the assessment objectives in International GCSE Art and Design.

International GCSE Art and Design bitesize videos

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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The Principal Moderator report discusses the quality of work submitted in each assessment series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials and these are managed by your Exams Officer.

Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance band and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way aid the understanding of marks within the centre.

Please note, this qualification is 100% externally assessed and has no requirement for internal assessment. However, if a centre chooses to conduct formative assessment, it is important that the assessment objectives are assessed equally in an integrated and holistic way using these exemplars alongside the assessment grid and taxonomy.

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International GCSE Art and Design (2017) Exemplar Gallery

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 A Level Art and Design Updates

Date A Level Art and Design
21 November 2024 Deadline to submit estimated entries (to receive hardcopies of the ESA)
1 February 2025 Release of the Component 2 externally set assignment paper (ESA)
21 February 2025 Deadline for entries (late entry fees after this date)
15 May 2025 Start of moderator visits
48 hours prior to
moderation visit
Marks submitted on Edexcel Online for visiting moderation
31 May 2025

International centres only:

Marks submitted on Edexcel Online for digital moderation 

Sampled work submitted on Learner Work Transfer

27 June 2025 End of moderator visits
14 August 2025 Results day

Check out our free face-to-face training for A Level Art and Design, available to book 28 November 2024 - 6 February 2025 in London and York.

You will have the opportunity to mark actual Component 1 and Component 2 portfolios across a range of titles and levels from the most recent exam series, with senior members of the examining team guiding you through assessment decisions.

There will be opportunities to network with colleagues from other schools and discuss best practices in assessment.

The events will conclude with a Q&A where you will have the opportunity to ask our trainers any questions about the course.

If you are unable to attend our free face-to-face training events or you just want a refresher, check out our free online training for A Level Art and Design. This training is available on demand as well as through live virtual sessions at various times to cater for different time zones.

Check out our series of bitesize videos created to support you with evidencing and assessing the assessment objectives in GCSE Art and Design.

A Level Art and Design bitesize videos

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By viewing this third-party content from www.youtube.com you agree to their terms and conditions, privacy notice and acknowledge they may use cookies and pixels for information and analytics gathering.

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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By viewing this third-party content from www.youtube.com you agree to their terms and conditions, privacy notice and acknowledge they may use cookies and pixels for information and analytics gathering.

Your centre moderator report (E9) published on Edexcel Online gives feedback regarding the accuracy of centre marking and can be useful for informing planning, delivery and assessment in future series.

Pearson are limited on the type of feedback included in these reports as per regulations for all exam boards. As such, I have created a bitesize video to help you get the most from your centre moderator report (E9).

Watch the A Level E9 report video

Getting the most from your A Level Art and Design moderator report (E9 report)

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The Principal Moderator report discusses the quality of work submitted in each assessment series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials and these are managed by your Exams Officer.

Check out our Exemplar Gallery, a gallery view of our student exemplars organised by performance level and component. Designed with teachers and access in mind, it is a great way to assess and standardise internally. We also have voiceovers available for some performance level 6 (exceptional) portfolios.

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Use these exemplars alongside the Performance Calculators, which give descriptors for each performance level, and the Assessment Grid to accurately assess learner work.

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A Level Exemplar Gallery artwork

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 A Level History of Art Updates

Date A Level History of Art
21 February 2025 Deadline for entries (late entry fees after this date)
19 May 2025 Paper 1: Visual analysis and themes (PM)
2 June 2025 Paper 2: Periods (AM)
14 August 2025 Results day

These are some resources on the qualification course materials pages to support you with planning and delivery.

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Check our our support videos to help you with delivering various aspects of the specification.

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View the question papers and mark schemes for previous assessment series to help inform future teaching and delivery.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials and these are managed by your Exams Officer.

The Principal Examiner reports discuss the quality of work submitted in each assessment series, including helpful feedback and recommendations for future series.

You will need an Edexcel Online login to access any padlocked secure materials and these are managed by your Exams Officer.

The Association for Art History will be hosting their annual Ways of Seeing conference for all A level History of Art teachers and students. The day includes talks, discussions and workshops on ways of thinking about art in relation to a specific theme.

Learn more about the conference

Association for Art History

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 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.

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Art UK Visual Literacy Week

Art UK's visual literacy week 30 September - 6 October 2024 will start an important national conversation about the transformative skill of visual literacy. It will include a variety of activities and events focused on why visual literacy is being recognised as the fourth pillar of education, driven by The Superpower of Looking programme.

Find out more about Art UKs Visual Literacy week


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Black History Month: What to See

October is Black History Month in the UK and this year's theme is 'Reclaiming Narratives', highlighting the importance of Black storytelling, history and heritage to ensure that the community's full breadth and depth of experiences is captured and preserved. Art Fund have rounded up some incredible exhibitions exploring history, culture and identity by some of the most exciting artists working today.

Find exhibitions to visit during Black History Month


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NSEAD iJADE 2024 Conference

This year’s iJADE conference will be held in partnership with Liverpool Hope University, with the theme of Peace. This event will take place online 7 November 2024 and in person 9 November 2024 in Liverpool.

Book the iJADE 2024 conference

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Arts Education Reports on AccessArt

A collection of evidence-based reports which help map the changes to the art education (and wider arts) landscape over the past few years, and a collection of articles to help share solutions to the issues raised.

Read the reports on AccessArt


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V&A Innovate

V&A Innovate is an annual National Schools Challenge, asking students in years 7, 8 and 9 to work in teams of 4 – 6 to design a solution to a real-world problem. Deadline for entry is 10 January 2025.

Learn more and register to take part 


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Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions (AWARE) is a non-profit association specialising in women artists and has a fantastic database of artists you could use to diversify your curriculum.

Search for artists on AWARE


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Teaching Film Series

Into Film, the UK's leading charity for film in education, have launched their Teaching Film series, a collection of bitesize courses focused on short film production. The course has been designed specifically for educators delivering film qualifications to young people aged 14-19.

Visit the Into Film website to enrol


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CreateBritain brings together every aspect of British Design and Creativity and is an excellent resource for Level 3-5 qualifications with professional practice. Learners can build digital portfolios for assessment before making them public after certification in order to connect professionally.

Find out more about CREATEBritain

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Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 

You can also sign up to get these Art, Design & Media updates straight to your inbox every month.

Sign up for Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor updates 


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