GCSE Art and Design update | Pearson qualifications

GCSE Art and Design update

Thu May 28 14:07:00 UTC 2015

As we move towards the end of the teaching year, this GCSE update invites you to share work from your final exhibitions and takes a look ahead at the new 2016 GCSE.

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End-of-year shows

We're now moving into the final phase of the teaching year when art and design work is being prepared and put up into lovely shows for family and friends to share.  

Some of your students will be moving on to further and higher education, and it is a very emotional time for everyone. If you're having a final show or exhibition of your work and want to share some images, please email me at the address below.

Here is the St Ivo School, Cambridgeshire, GCSE Art Exhibition 2015.

St Ivo School GCSE Art Exhibition 2015
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New GCSE 2016 Art and Design: Draft specification and SAMs now available

Our draft specification and sample assessment materials* for the Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Art and Design 2016 qualification are now available, and you can download them from the GCSE Art and Design 2016 page.

We've listened to feedback from all parts of the art education community and used this opportunity of curriculum change to design a qualification that supports a wide range of student interests, learning styles and aspirations for progression.

*Draft specification and sample assessment materials submitted to Ofqual are subject to change in the final accredited qualification.

See the full GCSE May update.


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