BTEC Art and Design update
As we move towards the end of the teaching year, this BTEC update covers final exhibitions, moderation of NQF BTEC Firsts and an extension to the QCF BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design at 16+.
End-of-year shows
We're now moving into the final phase of the teaching year where art and design work is being prepared and put up into lovely shows for family and friends to share.
Some of your students will be moving on to further and higher education, and it is a very emotional time for everyone. If you're having a final show or exhibition of your work and want to share some images, please email me at the address below.
Extension to QCF BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design (FE only)
We've been allowed an extension to the QCF BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design. The last date for registrations will be August 2017, which means that you may register cohorts for the 2015/16 and 2016/17 academic years. This qualification is 16-18 funded and is currently the only 19+ funded Level 2 Art and Design qualification.
Moderation of NQF BTEC Firsts in Art and Design external units
Moderators have now been allocated to all art and design centres that have made examination entries this year for Units 2 and/or 7. If you haven't heard from a moderator yet, please check that you have made exam entries for any externally set units you have delivered this year (May/June 2015).
It might be a good idea to contact your exams officer to ensure that they have correct contact details for you, especially if you have had any changes to the team during the year. For information on the examination and moderation process, please refer to the Administrative Support Guide.