Confirmation of extensions to Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals (international only)
The review of our BTEC Higher National qualifications is now complete, and new review dates have been confirmed.
Following on from our previous communications about the initial phase of BTEC Higher National (HN) qualification extensions, we can confirm that phase 2 of the extensions has now been completed. Here is a full list of all the extensions. This list supersedes the April version, and we've highlighted a couple of date changes for your attention.
We're seeking a further extension to the HNs in Hair and Beauty Management - keep an eye on our BTEC monthly newsletter for updates.
Reminder about quality assurance
Learners should be registered within 60 days of their enrolment, as detailed in the BTEC International Quality Assurance Handbook 2014/15.
Certificates won't be issued until the assessment outcomes of the programme have been quality assured against specifications (using the quality assurance process detailed in the handbook).
For up-to-date information about our quality assurance processes for these qualifications, regularly check the quality assurance section of our website.
You should ensure that all tracking documentation and assessment and internal verification records are up to date and complete at all times, in line with the requirements detailed in the Pearson International Qualifications Information Manual 2014/15. You need to retain assessment and internal verification records, as well as copies of learner work submitted for any standards verification sampling, for 3 years following certification.
Frequently asked questions
You can continue to publicise the qualifications that you have approval to deliver. If you currently have the facility to register learners on Edexcel Online, you can continue to do this. Learn more about Edexcel Online
We haven't made any substantial changes to the unit specifications as part of these extensions. Where any minor changes have been made, these will be clearly indicated in the specification.
As previously advised, we've incorporated the increased English language expectations for Pearson level 4 and level 5 HN qualifications, which are assessed in English, into the specifications. The specifications will be available online.
No. Your centre will shortly receive a separate letter confirming the extension to your programme approval. However, if your centre hasn't made any registrations on the HN programme within the past 2 years, you may need to reapply for approval.
No. These qualifications are due to expire at the end of August 2015 and will no longer have eligibility to confer practitioner status on learners delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). We're exploring the development of alternative provision, and will update you on our plans shortly.
To express your interest in being part of the redevelopment, contact us at and let us know which subject area(s) you'd like to be involved in.
If you have any questions about Higher National extensions, contact your Pearson regional representative in the first instance. You can also email our customer support team at, or call +44 (0) 12 0477 0696.