NVQ and competence-based qualifications Sporting Excellence (L3)

Here, you'll find everything you need to study for or to teach the Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sporting Excellence.
See also
- Qualification type:
- NVQ/competence
- Qualification title:
- Pearson BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Sporting Excellence
- Level:
- Level 3
- Accreditation status:
- Accredited
- Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
- 780
- Total Qualification Time (TQT):
- 864
- Qualification number (QN):
- 603/3338/8
- Availability:
- England only
- First teaching:
- 2018
- Review date:
- 31 August 2026 ? This is the date by which we must have decided to extend, withdraw or replace a qualification.
This qualification is aimed at talented sports performers aged 16-18 enrolled by a national governing body (NGB) on its Talent Pathway (a training and competition programme designed to help them compete at the highest level). It is used in those sports whose performers are typically not paid while on their Talent Pathway. Only centres who are partnering with an NGB are eligible to deliver this qualification.