NVQ and competence-based qualifications Wood Occupations (Construction) (L3) - 2015

Here, you'll find everything you need to study for or to teach the Edexcel Level 3 NVQ Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction) from 2015. This work-based qualification is aimed at learners who are working, or want to work, in building and construction. It offers a choice of seven pathways, including wheelwrighting, shopfitting bench work, and structural post and beam.
On this page
- Qualification type:
- National Vocational Qualification (NVQ)
- Qualification title:
- Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Wood Occupations (Construction)
- Level:
- Level 3
- Accreditation status:
- Accredited
- Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
- 327
- Credits:
- 98
- Total Qualification Time (TQT):
- 980
- Qualification number (QN):
- 601/6024/X
- Availability:
- UK
- First teaching:
- 2015
- Review date:
- Wed Dec 31 14:28:00 UTC 2025 ? This is the date by which we must have decided to extend, withdraw or replace a qualification.