Entry Level Certificate Science (2013)

April 2023 Teaching Science update
Welcome to the April Teaching Science update for UK and International Science qualifications at KS4 and KS5 that contains news and guidance as we approach the Summer exams series.
Information provided in this update:
- GCSE Science free live ‘Walking Talking Mocks’ revision events
- Equation sheets for GCSE Physics, Combined Science and International GCSE Sciences for 2023 assessments
- A level Science submitting the Head Teacher declaration form and Endorsement marks
- A level Biology A Pre-release Scientific Article
- A level & AS Physics List of Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklets
- A Level and AS Chemistry Data Booklets
- Free A level Science training on 'Understanding our Exams'
- IAL Biology Pre-release Scientific Article
- IAL Chemistry Data Booklet
- International Science qualification training
- JCQ Calculator Guidance
- Final May/June 2023 timetables
- AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications
- BTEC Post-16 Level 3 reform webinars
- BTEC Vocational Qualification Bulletins
- BTEC Winter 2024 provisional timetable
- View from the Lab podcast 'Bringing cutting-edge science to the classroom with Dr Jo Foster'
- View from the Lab podcast 'Increasing the uptake of STEM courses by women – lessons from Denmark'
- Free Support, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (D,E&I) and Mastery
GCSE Science free live ‘Walking Talking Mocks’ revision events
Pearson Edexcel in collaboration with Primrose Kitten are hosting FREE LIVE ‘Walking Talking Mocks’ revision events that you can stream to your students preparing for their GCSE (9-1) Sciences exams.
They will cover both GCSE Combined and Separate Sciences with the first few events taking place on the 24, 25, and 26 April.
24 April - GCSE Biology Higher Tier register for the event
25 April - GCSE Chemistry Higher Tier register for the event
26 April - GCSE Physics Higher Tier register for the event
The provisional dates for the remaining events are as follows:
3 May - GCSE Combined Science Biology Foundation Tier
4 May - GCSE Combined Science Biology Higher Tier
9 May - GCSE Combined Science Chemistry Foundation Tier
10 May - GCSE Combined Science Chemistry Higher Tier
16 May - GCSE Combined Science Physics Foundation Tier
17 May - GCSE Combined Science Physics Higher Tier
All events will take place 3.30-5pm.
Please keep an eye on our training page for confirmation of the dates.
Equation sheets for GCSE Physics, Combined Science and International GCSE Sciences for 2023 assessments
Students will have access to a revised equation sheet for GCSE Physics and GCSE Combined Science (the physics components) for the summer 2023 exam series. The same approach is being provided for International GCSE Physics exams. Please see the updates below where you will be directed to the equation sheets.
A level Science submitting the Head Teacher declaration form and Endorsement marks
The A level Science practical Head Teacher form is required by the 15 May. Please see the update below to obtain the form and link to submit it.
A ‘Pass’ (P) or ‘Not Classified’ (NC) decision for each student should also be submitted on Edexcel Online by 15 May.
A level Biology A Pre-release Scientific Article
The Pearson Edexcel A Level Biology A 9BN0 (SNAB) Paper 3 scientific article for the Summer 2023 exam series is available for secure download from the qualification page from the 'Course Materials' section.
The article can be given to students so they can study and annotate it over the coming weeks in preparation for the Paper 3 examination paper 9BN0/03. Students are not allowed to take their annotated copy into the examination room - there will be a fresh copy inside examination paper. In the unlikely event the fresh copies are missing, then please download it from the qualification page.
A level & AS Physics List of Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklets
The List of Data, Formulae and Relationships Booklets for A level and AS Physics, that can be provided to students in examinations, are available on the qualification page in the 'Specification and Sample Assessments' section.
Only 'clean' unmarked copies of the booklets can be used in examinations. If replacements are required, they can be downloaded from the qualification page or ordered order via the stationery website.
N.b. minor revisions to the booklets were made this year to ensure that they were the same as the lists that are also provided at the back of the question papers as mentioned in this update.
A Level and AS Chemistry Data Booklets
The A level and AS Chemistry Data Booklets can be viewed and downloaded from the qualification page (see the link provided below).
Students may have a copy of the relevant Data Booklet for their personal use in lessons/homework to allow them to become familiar with it. In examinations, however, students must use an unmarked 'clean' copy of the Data Booklet.
If additional copies are required, they can be printed from the website, or ordered from our stationery website.
Free A level Science training on 'Understanding our Exams'
The remaining A level Science training events on 'Understanding our Exams' that are free to attend will take place on the following dates:
3 May A level Biology B - register your place
3 May A level Physics - register your place
In these events delegates will look at how our question papers are designed to test the specification content, understand how and why markers are standardised to mark exam papers, see some examples of mark schemes applied to recent exam questions, consider some strategies to improve how students respond to exam questions and address common issues and FAQs. Please keep an eye on our training page for all new events and any updates to current events.
IAL Biology Pre-release Scientific Article
The Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Biology Unit 5 (WBI15) pre-release scientific article for the Summer 2023 exam series is available to downloaded from the qualification page in the 'Course Materials' section.
The article can be given to students so they can study and annotate it over the coming weeks in preparation for the Unit 5 examination paper. Students are not allowed to take their annotated copy into the examination room. There will be a fresh copy provided inside the Unit 5 written examination paper. In the unlikely event that these are missing, or if you do not have enough copies, you can download the article from the qualification page.
IAL Chemistry Data Booklet
The IAL Chemistry Data Booklet for use with Units 2, 4 and 5 examinations can be viewed and downloaded from the qualification page - see the link provided below.
Students may have a copy of this data booklet for their personal use in lessons/homework to allow them to become familiar with it. In examinations, however, students must use an unmarked copy of the Data Booklet.
Centres will be sent copies of the Data Booklet first time entries are made and can get additional 'clean' quantities by printing the Data Booklet from the website or by ordering them from our additional stationery requests site.
International GCSE Science and IAL Science qualification training
Training opportunities we have available can be viewed on our Professional Development Academy page.
Please note, sometimes dates/times of events may need to change and new events may be added. We therefore recommend that you keep an eye on the Professional Development Academy pages for the most up-to-date information.
JCQ calculator guidance
Pearson does not provide a list of permitted calculators to use in science exams. Centres can, however, refer to the JCQ instructions for Conducting Examinations document which provides calculator guidance on page 21.
Final May/June 2023 timetables
Summer 2023 timetables are finalised and available to view on our website. The timetables seek to maintain some of the space between the first and last exams in the same subject. This spacing was well received by schools and colleges in 2022 and reduces the chance of students missing all exams in a subject due to circumstances such as illness.
AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications
On 28 March, JCQ released a document which provides teachers and assessors with the information they need to manage use of AI in assessments. This guidance applies to all our general qualifications including GCSEs, International GCSEs, AS and A levels, International A levels, Entry Level, Project and vocational qualifications.
Important points to note:
- centres should explain the importance of students submitting their own independent work
- centres should ensure that teachers and assessors are familiar with AI tools and their risks
- centres should consider communications with parents/carers to make them aware of AI
- students must acknowledge use of AI when used
- misuse of AI tools is malpractice.
Within the document, there is a list of potential indicators of AI use that may help identify work where students have misused AI.
BTEC Post-16 Level 3 reform webinars
We are keeping centres informed with the latest news on L3 reforms in England via our dedicated web page which is provided below.
Latest news on the future of post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications in England
We will also be hosting the following events in May to keep you updated with the latest news.
BTEC National in Applied Human Biology briefing session: latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 16 May 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT Pearson (Event Code: 23GNAHB02)
Description: These events will provide you with the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3. They will also provide an opportunity to get your views and insight to help us shape our qualification(s) and support offered in ways that best meet you and your learners’ needs. The sessions will be managed by the sector team leading the redevelopment of our qualifications at Level 3 and will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. These events and the qualifications covered are for UK centres only.
BTEC National in Applied Science briefing session: latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 18 May 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT (Pearson Event Code 23GNAPS02)
Description: These events will provide you with the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3. They will also provide an opportunity to get your views and insight to help us shape our qualification(s) and support offered in ways that best meet you and your learners’ needs. The sessions will be managed by the sector team leading the redevelopment of our qualifications at Level 3 and will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. These events and the qualifications covered are for UK centres only.
You can register for these events from our training page.
BTEC Vocational Qualification Bulletins
We send out regular Vocational Qualification Bulletins to keep centres informed of our support and services. You can sign-up for these and also read previous bulletins on our website.
Sign up to receive regular vocational qualification bulletins
Read previous vocational qualification bulletins on our website
BTEC Winter 2024 provisional timetable
We released the provisional winter 2024 timetable earlier this month. You can submit any feedback to us through timetables@pearson.com, until the 21 April. The final timetable will be released on 26 April.
Pearson View from the Lab podcast 'Bringing cutting-edge science to the classroom with Dr Jo Foster'
In this episode of the View from the lab podcast, Andy Woods is joined by science advocate Dr Jo Foster. Jo is the director of an innovative STEM organization known by the acronym ‘IRIS’, which stands for... the Institute for Research in Schools. IRIS has a mission to make real-world, cutting-edge science research projects accessible to pupils from across the UK. In this episode, we find out about Jo’s career journey and her passion for supporting engaging science education for ALL young people. Jo also outlines how your school/college learners can start their own IRIS journey.
View from the Lab podcast 'Increasing the uptake of STEM courses by women – lessons from Denmark'
In episode 37 of the 'View from the Lab podcast' , Andy Woods talks to micro-economist Dr Hans Sievertsen from the School of Economics at the University of Bristol UK on 'Increasing the uptake of STEM courses by women – lessons from Denmark'
Dr Sievertsen has published research that reviewed data linked to assessment practices in Danish schools, and their effect on the uptake of STEM courses at the tertiary level. Dr Sievertsen found that one aspect of the assessment process had an unintentional but positive impact on girls’ probability of picking a STEM course at university. We delve into the details of the research and find out what the key conclusions were and whether we can make use of these findings in other educational settings.
Survey on free support, diversity, equity & inclusion (D,E&I) and mastery
The Pearson Edexcel Science Product Team are keen to understand what support teachers need. We hope you will have moment to fill out our quick survey on our free support, mastery and D,E&I to help us to support you. We'd love to hear your thoughts!
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin