BTEC Firsts Applied Science (2012)

BTEC Science update February 2021
Welcome to this spring update, highlighting where you can find the information and guidance we have available currently, and how you can stay up to date over the coming weeks.
Ofqual consultation
The consultation on alternative arrangements for the award of VTQs and other general qualifications in 2021 closed on 29 January. We expect the responses from the consultation this month. The Pearson response from the consultation outcome and guidance for centres will follow in late February or early March.
The 3 February Vocational Bulletin provides a useful list of what we expect to know as part of the consultation outcome.
Exams and external assessment in summer 2021
In light of the information released by DfE and Ofqual we can confirm that the summer examinations for BTEC will not go ahead. The consultation outcome will inform of any alternative arrangements and we will provide support and guidance accordingly.
Reduction of Internal Assessment
The Reduced Internal Assessment Adaptation for each qualification can be found in the Reduced unit assessment guidance document.
The adaptation for RQF BTEC Nationals is for the number of units and not the GLH of the units as detailed in the guidance document above. This has also been communicated in the 26 January Vocational Qualification Bulletin.
We are encouraging assessment where possible, even if this is partial assessments of units. Reduction in internal assessment is not mandatory.
Teaching and learning sector guides
To support centres with teaching this academic year we have produced teaching and learning guides. The guides are intended to provide guidance on how centres might adapt delivery this academic year. They are not mandatory so centres can still follow the existing standards where this is possible. You can access the teaching guides from these links provided:
The Vocational Qualification Bulletin from the 26 January (link above) also highlights the adaptations to Units 2 and 4 in the RQF BTEC Nationals in Applied Science, and Unit 4 in RQF BTEC Nationals in Forensic Investigation.
Our FAQs are updated regularly and include answers to commonly asked questions relating to teaching disruption as a result of COVID-19.
Vocational Qualification Bulletin
The Vocational Qualification Bulletin aims to keep centres up-to-date with the latest BTEC announcements. You can review past bulletins and sign-up to receive future updates from the links provided below.
Nominations for BTEC Awards 2021
The BTEC Awards is an annual competition where the outstanding achievements of BTEC learners, apprentices, teachers, schools and colleges around the world are celebrated. 2021 will be an extra special year as we continue to recognise the exceptional resilience of students and teachers who have inspired and enabled their learners to achieve despite the challenges of learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Do you know an exceptional BTEC student or teacher? Do you want to recognise their consistent hard work and achievements? Nominate them for a BTEC Award!
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin