BTEC Firsts Applied Science (2012)

September 2024 BTEC Science subject update
Welcome back, I hope you've had a good Summer break. This update is for BTEC Science teachers where you can access results day support, read information about BTEC reforms, obtain links to our assessment page and quality assurance support, and other news items that I hope you find useful as we begin the academic year.
Summer 2024 results day support and guidance
The 'Getting Ready for Results Day' update provides includes information and guidance on the following items:
- Key dates
- Grade boundaries for external assessments
- Links to BTEC grade calculators
- External assessment results
- Result Plus
- Access to scripts
- Post-results services

Remember that you now need to use our MFA app to log into Edexcel Online and access secure documents, ResultsPlus and ExamWizard. If you need any support links provided below.
Logging In And Accessing Pearson Services Using The Pearson Portal
Should you need any additional help please call our support team on +44 (0) 344 463 2535, or email them using
BTEC reform news

Replacement BTEC Nationals approved for funding from September 2025
Earlier this year the DfE announced the Pearson Level 3 qualifications have been approved for funding for first teach September 2025. This Includes L3 BTEC National AAQs in Applied Science and Medical Science.
Read the latest update to find out more
These new Level 3 qualifications have been built in partnership with higher education institutes and employers, ensuring they are future focused and deliver learners the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. BTECs are highly valued qualifications used by schools, colleges, providers, universities and employers and they will continue to be a vital part of the Level 3 qualifications landscape in England in the future.
Other BTEC news, training and information
Keeping up-to-date
Vocational policy news updates
You can keep up with the latest policy news on vocational education and training in England from the new Labour government in the coming weeks and months by signing-up to updates. You can also read previous news updates you may have missed.
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin