BTEC Apprenticeships | Providing Financial Services (England) | Pearson qualifications

Apprenticeship Frameworks in Financial Services Providing Financial Services (England)

Here, you'll find details of our BTEC Apprenticeships in Providing Financial Services (England), including key documents and information about the qualification structure and components.

The details shown below apply to all of the following pathways:

  • General Insurance
  • Retail Banking
  • Life, Pensions and Investment
  • Financing and Credit
  • Administration for Mortgage Advice and/or Financial Planning Intermediaries
  • Investment Operations
  • Customer Payments for Financial Products and Services
  • Debt Collections.
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Transferable skills

Employee Rights and Responsibilities

The ERR component of this Apprenticeship is achieved via the Apprentice Workbook in Providing Financial Services.


Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

Four of the six Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) have been mapped against the mandatory units of the competence qualification and will be evidenced and achieved through its completion. The remaining two skills 'Self Management' and 'Effective Participation' will be evidenced via the Apprentice Workbook in Providing Financial Services. 




Transferable skills

Employee Rights and Responsibilities

The ERR component of this Apprenticeship is achieved via the Apprentice Workbook in Providing Financial Services.


Personal Learning and Thinking Skills

Four of the six Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS) have been mapped against the mandatory units of the competence qualification and will be evidenced and achieved through its completion. The remaining two skills 'Self Management' and 'Effective Participation' will be evidenced via the Apprentice Workbook in Providing Financial Services.


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