Sport and Physical Activity update - September 2022 | Pearson qualifications

Sport and Physical Activity update - September 2022

20 September 2022

An update on everything new within the Sport and Physical Activity sector.

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Outdoor Learning Specialist

The Outdoor Learning Specialist offer standard enables employers to support and develop their staff as they progress through the Outdoor Sector providing comprehensive resources and support for the end point assessment. This standard provides extensive knowledge and skills to design, plan and delivery programmes that provide progressive learning and change using outdoor activities and experiences. Following the principles of sustainable use and minimum impact to the natural environment and promote on-going activity participation and engagement with the outdoors. This occupation is found in outdoor sport, leisure, tourism, public health, youth work and education sector. Successful apprentices will have the opportunity to register as a Professional Member of IOL.

Outdoor Learning Specialist| Overview

You can find our EPA price for this and all our fees on our:

EPA pricing page

Our End-Point Assessment service includes access to a suite of high quality, standard-specific EPA resources, comprehensive support from our experienced EPA team and an online platform (ACE360) to manage EPA activities. 

EPA Assessor Opportunities 

  • End Point Assessor - Apprenticeship - Sporting Excellence Professional (Football) 
  • End Point Assessor - Apprenticeship - Sporting Excellence Professional (Rugby) 
  • End Point Assessor - Apprenticeship - Sports Coach 
  •  Apprenticeship - End-Point Assessor - Outdoor Learning Specialist L5 - End Point Assessor 

See Pearson's BTEC and Apprenticeships EPA offer for Sport and Physical Activity here:  Sport Offer


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