Adult Care update - September 2022
An update on everything new within the Adult Care sector.
Apprenticeship Standard ST0008 Leader in Adult Care.
We have made an update to some text in the Pearson Level 5 End-point Assessment for Leader in Adult Care Specification and the Pearson Level 5 End-point Assessment for Leader in Adult Care EPA Resource Pack.
Both documents have had a slight change of wording to the Observation of Leadership section.
Pearson Level 5 End-point Assessment for Leader in Adult Care Specification now states on Page Number 5:
The apprentice is observed working in their normal working environment carrying out an activity that has been agreed in advance with the IEA and with appropriate organisational staff present. The activity may be outside the scope of regular, daily or weekly tasks.
Pearson Level 5 End-point Assessment for Leader in Adult Care EPA Resource Pack, under ‘What is an Observation of Leadership?’ on Page Number 6:
You will be observed working in your normal working environment carrying out an activity that has been agreed in advance with the IEA and with appropriate organisational staff present. The activity may be outside the scope of regular, daily or weekly tasks.
If you need further information on these changes or what they mean, please contact us via our website or email