November 2023 Religious Studies subject update
Welcome to your Pearson Edexcel Religious Studies November 2023 subject update!
Hello colleagues,
It has been a busy school year so far and I hope you have managed to achieve everything you wanted, while at the same time, ensuring you have balance within your workload. Thank you for all of the feedback you have provided and I appreciate people taking the time to get in touch and let me know your queries and thoughts about information in previous subject updates.
I wanted to take the opportunity to share some key updates, event information and useful resources with you. As always, please do get in touch with me if you have any queries or I can help with anything.
Best wishes,
Susan Currey
Religious Studies Subject Advisor
If you have any questions, then please do contact me:
☎ Call: 0344 463 2535
✉ Email:
💻 Book a Teams meeting with me:
This update includes:
- Pearson Edexcel National Teaching Awards
- AS and A level (20-mark 'Analyse' exemplars, CPD Training events resources )
- UK GCSE (Update on level descriptors, information about grade boundaries, exam question overviews, our mock marking service and access to pre-record training event)
- International GCSE (Level 4 exemplar answers, brief overview video and IG RS teacher survey)
- Enrichment and Teaching and Learning Support (Topic of the Month, Westminster Abbey Sixth Form Question Time)

Subject advisor
Jenna Wyatt
Religious Studies