Clarification of term used in GCSE Religious Studies summer 2023 exam series | Pearson qualifications

Clarification of term used in GCSE Religious Studies summer 2023

Tue May 30 10:25:00 UTC 2023

This news item clarifies the use of the term 'Id' in our summer 2023 exam papers for GCSE Religious Studies, Specification B (Paper 2C).  

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Use of the term ‘Id’ in Question 3d of GCSE Religious Studies specification B paper 2C

Our specification uses the following spelling: 'Id-ul-Fitr', ‘Id-ul Adha' and ‘Id-ul-Ghadeer' in Section 3.8. These terms also appear in our SAMs, past papers and are present within different papers in the 2023 summer exam series. In this instance, we have used 'Id' where students may have expected to see a reference to a specific Id celebration, for example, 'Id-ul-Fitr'.  

The intention of this question was to ensure students could access it from either a broad or a specific approach, allowing for a discussion of Id celebrations more generally or referring to individual celebrations of each.  The mark scheme will include indicative content that reflects the different approaches that candidates may have taken so they will be credited accordingly. 

We also appreciate that ‘Id’ can also be spelled ‘Eid’ and the spelling ‘Eid’ may be more commonly used and familiar to students. Our exam questions use the spelling ‘Id’ in line with our specification which was written based on the DfE subject content.  This spelling has also been used consistently in our previous questions, but we are aware that both spellings may have been used in teaching and answers using either spelling will be accepted within answers. 

Any questions regarding this, please do get in touch with me at


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