1. Faith in humanity: “No to racism, yes to respect”
RE contributes to anti-racist education by teaching pupils about the wisdom of faiths and worldviews on human equality and by challenging negative attitudes. We are all different, and all religions are different – but are we all the same too? What holds humanity together? Is it faith? Hope? Love? Music? Sport? What threatens to tear us apart – racism, hatred, bigotry? How can we conquer the forces of division? You should use specific ideas and quotes from religions and worldviews. Make a work of art that shows what unites us, brings us together, joins humans as one people and expresses our harmony. Think carefully about how racism can be reduced and conquered for a better human race.
2. Looking Beyond
Challenge your pupils to create a piece of art that shows something they have learned in RE that surprised them and made them see the world, and life, in a fresh way. This theme invites pupils to stretch their vision beyond their own horizon and look at the world in a new way. RE encourages dialogue between different worldviews, and a great stimulus for this theme is a visit to an unfamiliar place of worship or a visit that enables an encounter with a new worldview. We think this will not be the most popular theme – is it harder than the others? – but it will produce really insightful work.
3. How do we envisage God?
This category unveils a thrilling opportunity for young minds to set sail on a creative journey, exploring the endless ways through which people from different faiths/worldviews and cultures perceive and connect with God. The term 'envisage' here embraces a rich tapestry of expressions, viewpoints, and encounters that shape peoples understanding of God from various worldviews. Atheists, agnostics and theistic pupils can all respond to this theme.
Pupils might consider the following questions as part of their work, either from their own point of view and experiences, or by reflecting on what they have learned about and from religion/worldviews in their RE lessons. Where is God? Who is God to you? Where might you/people of faith feel closest to God? When might you/people of faith seek God? Pupils may make references to prayer, places of worship, sacred texts, nature, spirituality, community, specific religious and non-religious worldviews amongst many other things. Older pupils might consider; How do the different ways we envisage , encounter, or consider (or don't consider) God connect us?
We invite pupils to channel their creativity and express their spirituality, all while embracing values of diversity and inclusion. From art and photography to poetry, short stories, music, and videos, this category warmly welcomes a range of artistic forms. The core essence of the theme lies in celebrating the diverse and unique ways in which individuals interpret and engage with God.
Some schools who have built Spirited Arts into their scheme/units of work as ‘Where is God?’ will find this theme a good match.
The theme is generously sponsored by The Church of England's Racial Justice Unit.
4. Wise Words? Holy Words?
Sources of wisdom in scripture are highly valued by billions: The Bible and the Quran are the world’s most popular books. But what do the pupils think is wise? Song lyrics? Proverbs? Gospels? Hadith? And how do wise words translate into beautiful art? This theme encourages pupils to take some wise words they have chosen themselves, including some from different religions perhaps, and reflect on the words and the wisdom in their art. The question marks in the title encourage pupils to think about what makes these words wise or – for some – holy. We like the idea that calligraphy as an art form will work for some pupils here and that a focus on sacred text in examination work will bring in entries from older pupils. The British Library website’s ‘SACRED’ section is a great resource.
5. Green faith, green future? [‘God’s good earth’]
Many religions thank God for nature, from Aardvarks to Zebras, via cats, elephants and rabbits. But the climate crisis deepens. Are we spoiling God’s good earth? Can we save it - and ourselves - in time of the threats of climate change? In this theme, learners are invited to explore ideas and beliefs about the natural world, animals and the environment, human responsibility for the earth and ways of praying about climate justice. Great work will show some originality: the globe in God’s hands won’t win! Challenge pupils to use scripture quotations thoughtfully and scientific enquiry and moral study methods to develop deep answers and good writing to go with stunning images.
6. Why do Animals Matter?
This theme invites creativity and critical thinking around the important issue of how we humans value and act towards other animals. Use of religious stories, texts and ideas is strongly encouraged! Religions and ethical belief systems promote kindness and compassion, and call upon people to actively avoid doing harm… the Golden Rule demands that we treat others how we would wish to be treated. But do these moral codes extend to animals as well as other humans? Can they? Should they? Do some animals matter more than others? Engaging with this theme will encourage a search for wisdom in texts, stories, traditions and practices from the world's religions and philosophies. Students will reflect and think with care about humanity's relationship with the other animals who share the earth with us. Younger children may express the spirituality of their love for animals. Older students may grapple with diverse opinions on animal welfare and rights.