July 2024 Religious Studies Update | Pearson qualifications

July 2024 Religious Studies Update

Mon Jul 08 14:54:00 UTC 2024

This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel Religious Studies teachers, including key information and guidance for the Summer 2024 results period, such as key dates, details of post-results services and grade boundaries.

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Getting Ready for Results Day

Access key information and guidance for the results period for GCSE and A level Religious Studies, including key dates, details of post-results services and grade boundaries.

Insight into Christianity past training pack and YouTube recording

This video and training pack is designed to provide focused, subject knowledge support for the 'beliefs/beliefs and teaching' sections, featured in the 'Christianity' area of study, for Pearson Edexcel's GCSE in Religious Studies (specifications A and B).

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies: Christianity - Insight into teaching Christian beliefs
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Pearson Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A and B - New to Pearson Edexcel

This video and training pack are designed for teachers who are moving to Pearson Edexcel or delivering the Pearson Edexcel specification for the first time. It will support you in getting ready to teach the GCSE Religious Studies A and B specifications.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Religious Studies A and B - New to Pearson Edexcel
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GCSE Religious Studies: Minor update to the marking guidance for levels-based mark schemes

This guidance document is aimed at supporting teachers in the finding the right level, when marking questions against the 'levels-based' mark schemes used in our (d) item evaluation questions. It has recently been revised to reflect the changes made to the mark scheme for (d) item questions.


GCSE Religious Studies A & B: Minor update to the Getting Started Guides

Our Getting Started Guides for GCSE specifications A and B have also been revised to reflect the changes made to the mark scheme for (d) item questions.

A level Religious Studies: a spotlight on Topic 6.2

This is the first in a series of 'Spotlight' resources, which are designed to provide additional support for areas of our A Level Religious Studies specification. In this resource, we explore topic 6.2: How should we live?


A level 30-mark 'Evaluate' exemplar answers

We have published a range of 30-mark ‘Evaluate’ student answers from the summer 2022 exam series to help exemplify how different levels and marks were awarded. These include answers across the range of papers and mark range with analysis against the level descriptors.


Topic of the Month July 2024

Every month, we release an edition of 'Topic of the Month' with the aim of supporting cultural capital and stimulating discussion within the classroom.

Each edition ties a current news event to our qualification content and enables students to see the bigger picture of what they are learning and how it relates to the world around them. Each edition includes a link to an article alongside some key discussion questions to encourage thought around the subject.


Multifactor Authentication reminder

As teachers and Heads of departments, you may not have had to access our secure systems for some time, with the next time you need to do this being on learner results days on 15 and 22 August. We’d like to take this opportunity to remind all users of systems such as Edexcel Online and ResultsPlus, that there is now a requirement to authenticate via an app on a smart phone in order to access these systems.

If you haven't accessed these platforms for some time, we would urge you to do so before finishing for the summer, so we can work with you to resolve any issues and avoid any delays in access on results days.

You can get additional support for registering a device and general troubleshooting in our Pearson Portal Authenticator support article.

Taking these steps now will ensure you all have a successful results day.


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