January 2022 Religious Studies update | Pearson qualifications

January 2022 Religious Studies update

1: New training videos available for ResultsPlus and examWizard

Two new training videos have been produced for ResultsPlus and examWizard to help refamiliarize yourself with these tools and understand how they can be used to support your students in preparation for the coming exam series:


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2: Contingency arrangements

Details of the contingency arrangements that are being put in place in the unlikely event that exams cannot take place in summer 2022 are available in the link below:

Decisions on contingency arrangements 2022: GCSE, AS, A level, Project and AEA - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

3: Advance information guidance

To help with planning, summary guidance documents on advance information for GCE and GCSE Religious Studies in summer 2022 are available in the links below:

GCSE RS Full Course Specification A

GCSE RS Short Course Specification A

GCSE RS Full Course Specification B

GCSE RS Short Course Specification B


4: Upcoming events

The event below will update centres on our teaching and learning support materials, for GCSE Religious Studies and provide guidance on how new support material for ‘D’ style/evaluative questions can be used to support your students, in preparation for the coming exam series. To find out more and book your place, please follow the link below.

GCSE RS updates and support for ‘D’ style/evaluative questions

Thursday, 3rd March 2022, 16:00 – 16:45 GMT

Click here to register

5: GCE Religious Studies teacher questionnaire

The Religious Studies team at Pearson Edexcel would love to hear your views on the current GCE Religious Studies qualification. We would be grateful if you could spare 5-10 minutes and complete the short questionnaire below to provide your feedback:

Pearson Edexcel A level Religious Studies Questionnaire

6: Religious Studies topic of the month

Topic of the month aims to stimulate discussion at Key Stages 4 and 5 and bring religion to life. This can be achieved by considering religion’s relevance in our vast modern world. We have selected two current news articles which you may wish to read and integrate into your teaching practice, using the discussion prompts provided.

7: How to apply to become a Religious Studies examiner with Pearson

If you are interested in applying to become an examiner with Pearson for GCSE Religious Studies (Specification A or B) please click on the links below:

GCSE - Specification A

GCSE - Specification B


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