GCSE Religious Studies (d) Question exemplars (Specifications A and B) | Pearson qualifications

GCSE Religious Studies (d) Question exemplars (Specifications A and B)

20 April 2022

In February, we released further support for our (d) evaluation questions to support the teaching of extended answers. These have been developed by our Chief Examiners, Christine Paul and Diane Kolka.

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These resources include clarification on the level descriptors and a range of exemplars to illustrate the differences between levelled answers. Each exemplar includes accompanying explanations from our Chief Examiners, explaining why they achieved each level/mark and what they would need to do in order to move to the next level.

These can be found under ‘teaching and learning materials’ on the GCSE webpages or accessed via the following links:


We hope they have been useful and provided clarification and reassurance about how students can access the higher levels in these extended answers.  

If you would like to provide feedback about these resources or any further support you need with (d) questions, please complete the following 4 minute survey:


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