May 2022 Subject Update - part 2 | Pearson qualifications

May 2022 Subject Update - part 2

Thu May 26 18:37:33 UTC 2022

Welcome to your Pearson Edexcel Religious Studies May 2022 subject update.

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In this update,

  • A Level: Approach to using the Anthology
  • AS and A Level: How to answer an 8-mark ‘Explore’ question
  • Our New Edexcel Religious Studies Twitter Page
  • May ‘Topic of the Month’
  • Availability of Summer 2022 Question Papers and Mark Schemes
  • Religious Studies teacher survey

Approach to using the Anthology at A level

Our A level Religious Studies qualification has a basis in academic scholarship and as part of this we have a unique feature of using an anthology of texts from works of key scholars for students to engage with. Please read the following guide on how to approach the anthology, with a particular focus on ‘Clarify’ questions in assessment.

Anthology Guidance

AS and A Level: How to answer an 8-mark ‘Explore’ question

We’ve put together a video of handy reminders about how to answer 8-mark ‘Explore’ questions as AS and A Level. Nothing in the video has not previously been shared with you and the video was created using the information and exemplars from our website.

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Introducing our new Twitter page

Pearson RS has joined Twitter! Please follow us at: @EdexcelRS

Follow me on Twitter

May Topic of the Month: Should religion ever dictate dress?

Topic of the month aims to stimulate discussion at Key Stages 4 and 5 and bring religion to life. This can be achieved by considering religion’s relevance in our vast modern world. We have selected a current news article which you may wish to read and integrate into your teaching practice, using the discussion prompts provided. You can access this month’s edition below and previous month’s editions under ‘teaching and learning’ resources on our subject page.


Availability of Summer 2022 Question Papers and Mark Schemes

Exam materials from the Summer 2022 exam series will be made available on our website (secure download) on the following dates.

Item Date
Question papers Tuesday 5 July
Mark schemes Tuesday 26 July
GCE examiner reports Tuesday 23 August (available on ResultsPlus from results day
GCSE examiner reports Tuesday 30 August (available on ResultsPlus from results day

Religious Studies teacher survey

The Religious Studies team at Pearson Edexcel would love to hear your views on the current GCSE and A level qualifications and priorities for your department.  We would be very grateful if you could complete our survey, which will help us inform what support resources and events we run in order to provide the most useful support to you. Thank you to those who have already completed this. 

Complete the Religious Studies teacher survey


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