Submitting coursework or controlled assessment? | Pearson qualifications

Submitting coursework or controlled assessment?

13 February 2014

With the January 2014 examination series now behind us (for various subjects), our thoughts turn to the marking and submission of coursework and controlled assessment. 

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We'd also like to remind you about deadlines and the materials you'll need to send to the moderator.

This update will cover the following subjects:

  • Design and Technology
  • Music
  • Religious Studies.

Let's start with the deadlines

Entries deadlines

The final dates for entries in AEA, ELC (A), A level, Principal Learning, DiDA, Edexcel Certificate, International GCSE, Project Level 1 and 2, Edexcel Award, and GCSE can be found below:

  • Entry deadline: 21 March 2014
  • Late fee date: 22 March 2014
  • Amendment fee date: 4 April 2014
  • High late fee date: 22 April 2014.

Late fees explained

  • We charge a 'late fee' for submissions received after the entry deadline.
  • After the late fee date, we charge a 'high late fee' which is double the entry (unit or subject) fee.
  • Once the 'high late fee' date has passed, we charge a fee of 3 times the entry (unit or subject) fee.
  • We will charge amendment fees if you change a subject option - this can be a change of tier or change of option (papers).
  • Our amendment fees will double after the 'high late fee' date.
  • You will not incur a fee for changing a candidate's details (such as amending a name) unless a certificate has already been issued.


We'll refund any unit or linear fee automatically up to the 'high late fee' date. If you withdraw an entry after this date, we won't issue a refund without supporting medical evidence.

If a late entry is withdrawn by the high late fee date, only the entry fee is refunded.

Final dates for submission of coursework and controlled assessment

The final dates for submitting your marks and samples of work for the summer 2014 series are:

  • Entry Level Certificate: 4 May 2014
  • GCSE controlled assessment: 15 May 2014
  • A level: 15 May 2014

These are the dates by which you must have submitted your coursework/controlled assessment marks to us and have sent your sample to the moderator.

If you can't make the deadline and have a good reason, you can request an extension by emailing the assessment team for the subjects below. Please note that not all extensions may be granted:

Design and Technology:
Religious Studies:

Frequently asked questions about marking and submitting coursework

Where is the mark scheme?

You will find the coursework generic mark scheme in the specification of the course you're teaching.

If you're looking for the mark schemes for the question papers, you'll find them on the qualification page of the course you're teaching.

Where can I find exemplar work?

We've made available a few examples of marked work to help with the mark scheme/criteria level descriptors - but these do not have specific letter grade attachment due to JCQ regulations.

For both A level coursework and GCSE controlled assessment, you will find it helpful to look at a range of exemplar materials across different topics to gain a better understanding of the marking criteria. You can find those on the qualification pages under controlled assessments or coursework.

Every year, a number of centres have their marks changed as a result of the moderation process so please make sure you read the examiner's reports carefully.

What are the grade boundaries?

You should not attempt to grade the work. You should be marking the work by applying the marking criteria in a consistent manner.

The coursework grades will be awarded at the end of each examination series, using the standard code of practice awarding process.

Grade boundaries are always published on the grade boundaries page of our website, and are available to download from results day.

Please also remember that the mark you submit to us should be the total raw mark, not the UMS mark. The UMS marks are allocated by us as a result of the awarding process.

You should only use a score of zero if a candidate has submitted work that is found to meet none of the assessment criteria. Use an 'X' for any candidate who is absent.

How do I submit my marks to Edexcel?

Your marks can be submitted on an OPTEMS form, or online via Edexcel Online/EDI.

OPTEMS mark sheets will start to arrive in schools and colleges in mid-April 2014 for the summer series. They contain the names of all the students you entered for coursework in the relevant series. If you haven't received your OPTEMS and the mark submission deadline is fast approaching, ask your examinations officer for an update.

You can fill in your students' total raw marks on the OPTEMS form.

You need to send the top copy of the form to us. The address should be printed on the OPTEMS form and an envelope should have been provided for this purpose.

You keep a copy of the form for your own records and send a copy of the form to the moderator with the sample of work (the form is printed in triplicate).

You can also submit marks online. If you do this, you must print out a copy of the marks for the moderator and for your own records.

If you've already submitted a mark but it needs to be amended (for example, because of an administrative error), please email the coursework marks team for your subject immediately with details of the amended point score:

Identifying the sample of work that needs to be sent to the moderator

On the OPTEMS mark sheet there will be an asterisk next to the name of each student whose work we want to see for moderation. You also need to send the work of the highest and lowest-scoring candidates if they are not part of the requested sample.

You can also check Edexcel Online to identify which work needs to be sent for moderation - there will be a tick next to the candidates' names.

Who is my moderator?

As well as an OPTEMS form, you should also receive (via your examinations officer) a moderator address label and envelope with which to send the coursework sample.

What other materials need to be sent to the moderator?

For the GQ courses, coursework mark authentication sheets should be included in the sample. Each student must also submit a resource record sheet to validate the enquiry process.

Each student must also submit their notes, plans, CDs, and all other necessary materials to provide full evidence for completion of coursework/controlled assessment.

E9 Moderator Report

While moderating your centre's coursework or controlled assessment, the moderator will write an E9 report which will provide you with detailed feedback on your marking and administration. You will be able to download this report on results day.

This guidance document example from the History subject shows you how to access your centre's E9 Moderator Report. If you are unable to access your report, please ask your examinations officer for assistance.

We hope you have found this update useful.

Kind regards

Teacher Services
Pearson Qualification Services

Design and Technology:


Religious Studies:  


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