GCSE Music | Update March2018 | Pearson qualifications

Edexcel GCSE Music: March 2018 update

16 March 2018

Read the latest news for Edexcel GCSE Music. This will include key dates and the latest information.

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Final dates for submission of coursework and controlled assessment

The final date for submitting your marks and samples of work for the summer 2018 series is 15 May 2018.

By 15 May 2018, you must have submitted your coursework/controlled assessment marks to Edexcel via Edexcel online, and have sent your sample (visible on Edexcel online from mid-April) to the moderator. Your moderator’s name and address will be available on Edexcel online from mid-April.

The administrative support guide gives details of how to present the work for the moderator.

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For each candidate you will need to complete a Performing Authentication Sheet (PAS) and a Composing Authentication Sheet (CAS).

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Do I need to carry out internal standardisation?

In large centres with multiple teachers, it's essential that you carry out internal moderation before you finalise the coursework or controlled assessment marks. You should sample double-mark, selecting mark points within the same band from different teaching sets. The double marking should continue until you are satisfied that you have achieved comparability.

Small schools with only one teacher need not carry out internal standardisation. It is helpful to include a covering note with your sample explaining that you are in this situation.

What are the grade boundaries?

You should not attempt to grade the work; you should be marking the work by applying the marking criteria in a consistent manner.

The controlled assessment and coursework grades will be awarded at the end of each examination series using the standard code of practice awarding process.

Grade boundaries, which are subject to change each exam series, are published on the website on the grade boundaries page. For summer 2018, they'll be available to download from results day: 23 August 2018 for GCSE.

To receive a result for a linear qualification, all of the marks achieved from different components are added together and the candidate receives a grade for the qualification. There is no need for a uniform mark scale - a single grade is issued to each candidate.

A score of zero should only be used if a candidate has submitted work that is found to meet none of the assessment criteria. An X should be used for any candidate who is absent.

Submitting marks to Edexcel

All marks must be submitted online via Edexcel Online.

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For performing you should submit the scaled mark out of 60 and for composing you should submit the raw mark out of 60. Please do not try to double the mark or convert it into a percentage, grade or UMS mark.

Important: You may need to amend your Edexcel Online access to allow you to submit controlled assessment marks online. To do this your exams officer will need to go into your Edexcel Online account and under ‘profiles’ tick the box next to ‘Coursework and Portfolio’. If they also tick the ‘Results’ box you will be able to view your E9 moderator report on results day.

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After submitting marks online you should print out a copy of the marks for the moderator and a copy for your own records.

What happens if I make an error when submitting controlled assessment marks?

If you have already submitted a mark but it needs to be amended (eg because of an administrative error), please email courseworkmarks@pearson.com with details of the student and amended point score.

When will I be able to access Edexcel Online to submit marks and see the requested sample?

You should be able to start submitting marks now but you won’t be able to view the requested sample until the beginning of April 2018.

How do I identify the sample of work that needs to be sent to the moderator?

When you log in to Edexcel Online and go to the controlled assessment mark submission screen there will be a tick next to the candidates' names that need to be sent for moderation. You also need to send the work of the highest- and lowest-scoring candidates if they are not part of the requested sample.

If, for some reason, you're unable to send the work for a particular student, you should send the work of an equivalent student with a similar mark. You should also write a note to the moderator explaining the reason for the change.

Who is my moderator and what is their address?

Moderators are randomly allocated to centres. You will be able to find out your moderator’s name and address from early April via Edexcel Online.

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Your centre will receive a stationery send which will contain envelopes suitable for sending controlled assessment to the moderator.

Order more stationery online

E9 Moderator Report

While moderating your centre's controlled assessment, the moderator will write an E9 report which will give you detailed feedback on your marking and administration. You will be able to download this report on results day.

I will provide further guidance on how to access your centre's E9 Moderator Report in my results day update.

When are the summer exams (UK centres)?

This information is also available on our exam timetables page. International centres should consult the international exam timetables which are available on the international exam timetables page.


I've forgotten to get my candidate(s) to make the announcement at the beginning of their performance. What can I do?

Please email musicandmusictechnology@pearson.com and inform the assessment team of the situation.

Can the free composition be in the same genre/style as the composition to a brief?

Yes. There is no requriement in the specification for the two compositions to relate to different Areas of Study or to be in contrasting styles.

For composing brief 1 is the style restricted to 1700 - 1820 time period?

Music style is not restricted to 1700 - 1820. Candidates can choose any style they wish and are not restricted.

Will the dictation question be from a set work?

Yes. The dictation question will be based on a set work.

How is extra time applied in the exam?

Once the approval has been agreed, it is at the discretion of the centre as to how the extra time is divided dependent on the candidate's requirements.

Key Dates

Date Event
15 May 2018 Final date for submission of coursework marks and moderation samples
6 June 2018 1MU0/03 Appraising Exam
22 August 2018 Results available to centres through Edexcel Online
23 August 2018 Results released to candidates
1 September 2018 Briefs for 1MU0/02 released online for assessment in summer 2019

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