BTEC Nationals in Music and Music Technology: May 2016 update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Nationals in Music and Music Technology: May 2016 update

3 May 2016

Welcome to my update for BTEC Nationals in Music and Music Technology for May 2016, which includes information on key dates and training events.

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The deadline to complete the first samples for QCF qualifications was 30 April 2016. If you need to still complete the sampling all verification sampling must be completed by 31 May 2016. You will need to work with your Standards Verifier to meet the deadline and make sure that their reports can be completed by this date.

We want to continue developing the resources and support material available to all centres delivering BTEC qualifications and we want to encourage centres to share best practice as there are many centres that have innovative ways of delivering and assessing work. I would like any centres to send in any assignment briefs they feel could inspire other centres and to also send in anonymised marked learner work so that we can support centres in assessing to the standard across the grading criteria. If you would be interested in submitting anything please contact us.

We will be announcing a new series of training events to support you in your delivery of the BTEC Nationals (2010) in Music specifications shortly. These will be available to book online soon so please keep an eye on any updates on our training page.

Key dates

Date Event
31 May 2016 Deadline for completing all standards verification samples
5 July 2016 Results reporting deadline for UCAS applicants
12 August 2016 Certificates will be in centres if 05/07 deadline met

Training events

The latest Getting Ready to Teach and training events have been announced. To book your place on an event or to be placed on the waiting list, the event details can be found on our training page.

I hope you have found this information useful.

Kind regards,

Jeffery Hole


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