BTEC results day information
Information for results day for BTEC Level 2 and 3 for 2018.
Results summer 2018
Level 2 BTEC results are available on Wednesday 22 August. Learners can be informed on this day and don’t have to wait for GCSE results day to receive their results.
Level 3 BTEC results are available on Wednesday 15 August. Learners can be informed on this day and do not have to wait for A level results day.
Edexcel Online results spreadsheet and grade calculator
The conversions for your students are available in Edexcel Online:
2. External Assessment
3. View Results by Assessment Booking
4. Fill in Series/Programme/Unit
5. Export Results
You will get a .csv file with the information you want. The information for the grade points is in the column headed UMS.
Please note that in order to access this you will need to ensure that the ‘Results’ box is ticked in your Edexcel Online user profile. It is not the policy of all centres to make this available so you may have to ask your exams officer to print out the spreadsheet for you.
Grade boundaries for the latest set of externally-assessed units.
The grade boundaries for the May/June 2018 exam series externally-assessed units are available on results day on the grade boundaries page of the website. Please note the raw mark grade boundaries change from series to series.
Visit the grade boundaries page
Grade statistics
The grade statistics for the 2017-18 academic year are published in late October on the grade statistics page of the website. These statistics can be used for benchmarking purposes. Please note that in line with all qualifications, learner achievement is reported at qualification level not at unit level.
Access to scripts
A signed consent from each learner needs to be obtained after the publication of results, is required as a condition of using our free Access To Scripts service. Results day may be your only opportunity to obtain the consent so it is a good idea to have the forms ready to sign as students collect their results.
Access to scripts- how it works
First, you need to ensure that the Exam Viewer box is ticked in your Edexcel Online user profile. If you don’t, please ask your exams officer to do this. Your exams officer may need to phone the account specialist to get your profile updated. Then, select the menu option ‘Script Viewer’ at the bottom of the opening menu in Edexcel online.
Find out more about Access to Scripts
EAR- for the recent externally-assessed units and fees
The fee for a Service 2 EAR Enquiry About Results is £39.50 per unit.
Candidates must be informed that their marks and subject grades may be lowered and must provide their written consent before an application is submitted.
A suggested form you can use is included as Appendix A, on page 19 of the JCQ Post-Results booklet
Changing a learner's registration after the results
If a learner is not eligible for a qualification, for example, having achieved a U in an externally-assessed unit, it may be possible to transfer to a smaller size.
For example: You have claimed the Level 2 Diploma and a learner has received a U outcome for Unit 3. The learner has sufficient units to be able to claim the Level 2 certificate.
Please ask your exams officer to change the registration in Edexcel Online. There is a video for exams officers in Edexcel Online called ‘Transfers’, to explain how this is done.
Enjoy the summer and I hope you get the results you are hoping for.
Kind regards,
Subject advisor
Esther Trehearn
Health and Social Care