Upcoming training events for Geography qualifications | Pearson qualifications

Upcoming training events for Geography qualifications

21 August 2019

This update contains an overview of GCSE and A level training events coming up in autumn 2019 and spring 2020 as well as an overview of the support available for our international qualifications. 

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Geography autumn network events (free)

This autumn’s free Geography GCSE and AS/A Level network events are now available for booking. There are places for both online and face-to-face events.

Our free network events are an opportunity for colleagues teaching the Pearson Edexcel GCSE Geography (9-1) and/or AS/A level Geography specification to discuss new ideas and share best practice with our geography specialists and colleagues from other schools. Our PD events count towards your CPD hours.

Watch Andrea's "view from the road":

Watch Andrea’s “view from the road”
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During autumn 2019, our network events will focus on:

  • lessons learnt from the 2019 exams
  • key themes in candidate performance in the 2019 exam papers
  • practical guidance on how to address these key themes through teaching or exam preparation.

Watch Bob Digby’s ‘Introduction to Pearson Edexcel Geography Network Events’

Watch Bob Digby’s ‘Introduction to Pearson Edexcel Geography Network Events’
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New CPD for 2019/20 to support GCSE (9-1) Geography

  • exam feedback videos (Free) for Spec A and B, Papers 1, 2 and 3 for teachers wishing to receive feedback on the summer 2019 exams
  • supporting lower ability learners (Paid for) aims to address the challenges facing lower-attaining students.

New to Edexcel training for Spec A and Spec B

This free online event is designed for teachers who are moving to Edexcel or delivery the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Geography A or B specification for the first time. This will support you in getting ready to teach the specification.

New CPD for 2019/20 to support AS/A level Geography

  • A level Coursework marking (Free) training events help you understand how to mark coursework and apply the mark schemes
  • exam feedback videos (Free) for teachers wishing to receive feedback on our Pearson Edexcel A level Geography specification Papers 1, 2 and 3
  • preparing students for the synoptic investigation (Paid for) reviews synoptic themes and the Paper 3 exam structure.

Pre-recorded feedback training on the summer 2019 papers

This is just a reminder that you can find all our GCSE and A level Geography exam feedback training from summer 2019 on the pre-recorded training page.

Pre-released material for International A level

The pre-release material for Unit 4 will be available on the Pearson Qualifications website on the 26th of April 2019.

Updates to some of the materials for International GCSE Geography

We’ve made some amendments to two documents in the teaching and learning materials section for the International GCSE. Please have a look at the updated Examiner marked student exemplars for paper 2 and the Paper 2 mark scheme for the specimen papers. You’ll find a summary of changes at the start of both documents.

New support materials for International GCSE Global Citizenship

There are a couple of new support materials for IGCSE Global Citizenship to look out for. Firstly, there is a booklet of examiner-marked student responses to the sample assessment materials that you may find useful. There is also a new training event available in the teaching and learning materials, it’s the Getting Ready to Teach the International GCSE in Global Citizenship.

I hope you found this update useful. Feel free to get in touch if you have further questions.


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