Supporting delivery and assessment of BTEC in 2020-21 | Pearson qualifications

Supporting delivery and assessment of BTEC in 2020-21

29 September 2020

Following on from the message we sent you on 7 September, we are writing to update you on our proposed adaptations for BTEC assessments in 2021 and the resources and guidance available to support you with the delivery of BTEC qualifications in 2020/21.

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Proposed adaptations for BTEC assessments 2021

We know you want to confirm arrangements for assessment this year and we are keen to support you through this.

On our webpages we outline the approach we propose to take in adapting our BTEC qualifications, including those on Performance Tables, to help you and your learners reduce the impact of lost teaching and learning time while meeting any public health concerns. For further details please see this document (PDF | 211KB). We have submitted this proposed approach to Ofqual and the DfE for review and inline with the joint statement released recently by Ofqual, we expect to start ussuing final details on our adaptation approach for all our BTEC qualifications by 23 October 2020

Supporting teaching and learning

As previously mentioned, we have created sector guides to help you with the teaching and learning of many of our BTEC qualifications in 2020/2021. These guides take into consideration public health guidance and teaching remotely this academic year. By 23 October these guides will be updated with the detail of our assessment adaptations for 2021. 

We wish you and your learners all the best for 2020/21. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Best wishes,

Jo Fowler
Assessment Director
BTEC & Apprenticeships


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