Ofqual launches consultation on awarding arrangements - ensure your view is heard
Ofqual announced on 15 January 2021 that they were consulting jointly with the Department for Education on awarding arrangements for a range of vocational and technical qualifications.
They want to hear from those who will have to put these arrangements in place - teachers, trainers, exams officers, headteachers, college leaders and exam boards, as well as students or learners who was due to take exams, or the parents or carers of a student. There will be many others who have an interest, including employers, and those who work in higher education.
Please do participate by sharing your views before 29 January 2021 at 11.45pm when the consultation will end.
In light of the information released as part of the consultation launched on Friday, we can also now confirm that the summer examinations for BTEC will also not go ahead. However, BTEC examinations that contribute to qualifications that include a Licence to Practise (Childcare) may still go ahead, and the consultation outcome will inform any alternative arrangements. We will update you on this as soon as the results of the consultation are made public. We will be in touch with you directly if you run these qualifications.