DFE post-16 Level 3 and below vocational qualifications review
On Tuesday 19 March the Department for Education (DfE) announced a review of post-16 vocational qualifications at level 3 and below in England (excluding T levels, A levels and GCSEs). This consultation is part of a two-stage process with stage 1 ending on 10 June 2019 and stage 2 ending in December 2019.
There will not be a review of Technical Awards pre-16. The DfE’s own research into KS4 has identified the value of these qualifications for learner engagement and reducing absences and exclusions. This means you can continue to plan with confidence for those BTEC Tech Awards and BTEC First Awards on performance tables.
What the post-16 review could mean for you
The current proposals put forward by the DfE are:
to withdraw approval for funding from 1 August 2020 for new starts on qualifications that the DfE deems meet its criteria for pre-existing qualifications. Students already enrolled/registered on these courses will be funded through to completion.
The DfE is currently in discussion with all awarding organisations to identify which qualifications are considered pre-existing qualifications. We will advise centres as soon as the final list is confirmed and communicate final registration and top up dates where appropriate.
To withdraw approval for funding for new starts on qualifications with no take-up from August 2021
To withdraw approval for funding for new starts on qualifications with low take-up from August 2021
From September 2023 onwards, to remove approval for funding from Applied General and Tech Level qualifications, as determined by the review, where the qualifications overlap with A Levels or T Levels and do not meet new defined characteristics.
To review current post-16 Entry Level, Level 1, Level 2 and other Level 3 qualifications. The DfE will agree the principles on which these will be made eligible for funding in the future, based on the results of this consultation. The DfE will consult on their proposals for changes to funding for post-16 Level 2 and below Level 2 qualifications, late in 2019. There is no indication in the consultation that qualification funding will be withdrawn before August 2023, unless a qualification has low uptake.
To gather views and evidence about the general principles that should apply to qualifications that 19+ students use, reflecting the differing circumstances of adult learners.
What can you do in response?
Respond to the consultation: We strongly encourage you to respond to the Government’s consultation. The consultation closes on 10 June 2019
We are keen to ensure students are able to access the pathways at 16-19 that support their learning and career ambitions, and would like to work with you and stakeholders to ensure that any changes are in their interests.