Vocational qualifications rebate fees update | Pearson qualifications

Vocational qualifications rebate fees update

30 September 2020

Now that the new academic year has started, we want to provide you with more detail relating to the credit you will be receiving due to the changes that were made to this summer’s assessment and awarding process for our vocational qualifications.

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From the outset, our intention has been to pass back to customers any net savings as a result of this summer’s extraordinary awarding process and we now have clarity on the qualification awarding costs from the summer and the customers impacted.

As mentioned previously, registration fees for our Vocational Qualifications (including BTEC, Work-Based Learning, Higher Nationals) are paid at the start of the course and cover the full delivery of the qualification.  Aspects of delivery support and assessment covered by your registration fee include; Approval and Support visits and activities, Standards Verifcation activities, Regional Pearson Quality Advisor assistance for Quality Nominees, support materials including Authorised Assignment Briefs, Sample Marked Learner Work, annual centre assessor training and online training, external assessment, Lead Examiner reports, Results Plus analysis services and ‘access to scripts’ services. For qualifications awarded this summer, much of this activity had already taken place prior to school and college closures.  

This year, in addition to the usual processes, we put in place new processes to ensure learners received accurate and fair grades to enable them to progress to the next stage of their lives.   These processes included a new grade submission system, adaptation of assessment for vocational qualifications, additional guidance and support for Exams Officers and Quality Nominees, online network events and a range of support materials to enable learning to continue remotely while schools and colleges were closed.  In addition, we also took the decision to make payments to contracted examiners and Standards Verifiers who were due to be involved in the assessment process this summer.

Following a review of all expected and additional costs associated with the awarding of this summer’s vocational qualification grades, we can confirm the following rebates for the qualifications awarded this summer.

  • For BTEC Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications we will rebate 6% of the registration fee for all candidates that received their awards this summer. This is the single fee paid for the entirety of the course activity including the first exam entry or entries.

  • For Functional Skills Level 1 and Level 2 qualifications we will rebate 20% of the entry fee. This is the single fee paid for the entirety of the course upon entry for the examination. 

For Higher Nationals and International BTEC qualifications there is no rebate. The awarding of these qualifications continued as normal and there were no net cost savings associated with the assessment and awarding process.

The rebates have been calculated based on the net fees charged. Your net fees reflect the amount originally invoiced less any credit notes already received for learner withdrawals.  

To keep things simple, you will receive one credit note which will contain a reference to help you to identify the invoice(s) to which it relates. This will be applied to your account shortly. Once the credit has been applied, it will be available for immediate use.

View the FAQs for the rebate process. 

Please continue to visit our dedicated support pages and follow us on Twitter @teachBTEC and @PearsonEdexcel to keep up to date with the support and advice available to you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions about the information above.

Best wishes,

Cindy Rampersaud 
Senior Vice-President, BTEC and Apprenticeships



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