Additional Guidance for BTEC Higher Nationals (HSCEY) | Pearson qualifications

Additional Guidance for BTEC Higher Nationals (HSCEY)

Mon Jun 01 11:02:00 UTC 2020

Additional Assessment and Awarding Guidance for BTEC Higher National Qualifications in Healthcare Practice, Social and Community Work and Early Childhood Education.

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We previously shared with you details regarding ‘Centre Assessment Grades’, Virtual Assessment Boards and remote sampling during the Covid-19 restrictions, for qualifications that are covered by Ofqual’s Extraordinary Regulatory Framework, which include the BTEC Higher National suite of qualifications.

As the BTEC Higher Nationals in Healthcare Practice, Healthcare Practice for England and Early Childhood Education qualifications signal occupational competence, Centre Assessment Grades (CAGs) do not apply to these qualifications.

Additional guidance to support you in the assessment and awarding of these qualifications in 2020 to comply with the Ofqual Extraordinary Regulatory Framework can be found below. 


This guidance provides:

  • Information on assessment and awarding for BTEC Higher National qualifications in the Health, Social Care and Early Years Sectors.
  • Guidance on mitigation regarding work placement and work placement assessment requirements. 
  • Guidance on adapting assessments. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions via Pearson Support.

Thank you for your collaboration during this unprecedented time. We will continue to keep you updated. 

Best wishes,

Jane Baker
Director, Higher Education Qualifications 


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