Building the high-tech construction skills needed to tackle the housing crisis | Pearson qualifications

Building the high-tech construction skills needed to tackle the housing crisis

Fri Mar 01 12:03:00 UTC 2019

Launch of the first vocational higher education qualifications to engage students in contemporary housing issues, design and manufacturing.

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Pearson and MOBIE (the Ministry of Building Innovation and Education) are announcing a new qualification to support the next generation of construction professionals to gain the specialist knowledge and skills needed to address the housing crisis and deliver new homes at scale.

The first-of-kind qualification, a BTEC Higher National Qualification in Future Homes Design and Construction, will make use of the latest technological innovations; such as off-site and manufactured homes, to explore strategies to meet the government’s target of 300,000 new homes each year.

These new qualifications build upon Pearson’s track record for delivering construction qualifications aligned to the needs of learners and industry and compliments MOBIE’s work with schools. Their collaboration provides the high-level technical skills needed to drive new approaches to house design and construction and the potential to radically increase the number of quality new homes built. MOBIE and Pearson have launched the qualification with the belief that people, skills and innovation will create a cultural shift in the house building industry.

Rod Bristow, President, Pearson Core, said:

“Pearson is committed to working with MOBIE to enable students completing the programme in in Future Homes Design and Construction to qualify with the knowledge and skills employers in the construction industry really need. BTEC Higher National Diploma courses have a long history in enabling high quality career-focussed education and we are proud of this partnership with MOBIE with whom we share a common purpose.”

George Clarke, Architect, TV presenter and Founder MOBIE said:

“The Higher National qualification that we have developed in partnership with Pearson allows us to fulfil our mission to inspire and train the new generation of house-builders. The qualification will enable colleges to develop young talent in construction, capable of using innovative building techniques, appropriate for the 21st century.”

Pearson has a strong track-record in bringing employers and education together to equip tomorrow’s workforce with the skills they need to succeed. Pearson has worked closely with employers to create bespoke qualifications; such as with BMW in Engineering and the Tottenham Hotspur Foundation in the hospitality field. In addition, Pearson works closely with representatives from industry leaders during the development of the BTEC Higher National qualifications. Some of these employers have included the BBC, IBM, Vinci Construction, Siemens and Balfour Beatty.


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