BTEC First Award in Sport - FAQ
We've made some changes to the specification for this BTEC First Award. Explore our FAQ to find answers to your questions.
Q. Why have you produced an updated version of this BTEC First Award?
A. An updated version was submitted and approved for the 2020 KS4 List in response to DfE feedback on the existing version.
Q. Can I continue to teach the existing specification to Year 11 learners who were registered on the course in Year 10?
A. Learners who were registered in 2017/18 on the courses (in Year 10) can continue on the existing BTEC First Award when they move to Year 11 in September 2018.
Q. I have new Year 11 learners who are studying the First Award in one year, completing by 31st August 2019, can they be registered on the 2012 version?
A. Yes, new Year 11 learners who will be completing the First Award in one year, completing by 31st August 2019, can be registered on the 2012 version of the First Award.
Q. When is the deadline for registering learners on the 2012 versions?
A. Learners registering on the 2012 versions should be registered by 1st November. No registrations on the 2012 versions of the BTEC First Awards will be accepted after 30th November.
Q. What about learners who were registered on the course last year (2017/18) in Year 9?
A. These learners will need to be transferred to the new programme code.
Q. How do I transfer learners to the new programme code?
A. You can do this through Edexcel Online (EOL).
Watch a video tutorial to learn more
Q. Which units will be sampled?
A. For BTEC Firsts at the Award size, we only request to see one unit for first sampling. If blocked and then taken to a second sample, a second unit will be requested. Units can be either mandatory or optional. SVs will be checking the assessment plan to confirm appropriate delivery of synoptic assessment.
Q. When will updated Authorised Assignment Briefs (AABs) be ready?
A. We are working on producing updated AABs for the revised synoptic unit now and aim to have them available on our website in September.
Q. Have there been any paperwork changes?
A. There haven’t been any paperwork changes because of this revision, however, we are constantly looking at ways of improving our systems and service to our customers.
Q. When will the updated assessment be available?
A. Learners can take the existing version of the EA, approved for the 2019 List, till the end of December 2019, after that date only the updated EA will be available (including for any resits).
Q. Where can we find a summary of the changes to the specification?
A. There is a table at the front of the updated specification containing a summary of the changes we have made.
Q. What about other BTEC First Awards?
A. BTEC First Awards, other than Business, Sport, Travel and Tourism and Construction and the Built Environment, have not been updated for September 2018. You can see the list of all BTEC First and Tech Awards which count in the 2020 KS4 List for schools in England here.
Q. My learners do a larger size of the BTEC First (e.g. Certificate/Extended Certificate/Diploma) and are able to automatically claim an Award certificate for performance measures recognition. How will this change affect that mode of delivery?
A. If they are claiming this year (2018/19) then they will be able to claim the 2012 First Award. From next year onwards it will be important that you ensure learners are taught the updated 2018 BTEC First Award structure if you wish to claim the Award size in 2020.
Q. Some learners, who have achieved the 2018 First Award, may wish to progress and take a larger BTEC First, how can they do this?
A. These learners will need to go through the Recognition of Prior Learning process so that the new internal synoptic unit in the First Award can count towards the equivalent unit in the larger size of the BTEC First.
Q. Some learners, who have achieved the 2018 First Award, may wish to progress and take a larger BTEC First, how can they do this?
A. These learners will need to go through the Recognition of Prior Learning process so that the new internal synoptic unit in the First Award can count towards the equivalent unit in the larger size of the BTEC First.
Q. Are the BTEC First Certificate, Extended Certificate and Diploma changing?
A. These sizes of the BTEC Firsts have recently undergone a change with the removal of the 'core' must-pass hurdle and the addition of Diploma optional units to the Extended Certificate. The specifications will not be changing again. However, the external assessment will change from January 2020 (2017 Sample Assessment Materials).