AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics: December 2019 update | Pearson qualifications

AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics: December 2019 update

Fri Dec 13 12:18:00 UTC 2019

Here’s a roundup of the latest news and support to help you and your team teach AS and A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics with confidence.

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Now online: new content guidance and support

In line with the improvements we're making to our 2020 papers and support for AS and A level Mathematics, we've published new materials to download on our website:

Enhanced content guidance, providing further exemplification of specific areas of the subject content to support you in your planning and delivery

A guide to all our qualifications support, so you can access it all from one place

Preparing for mocks?

If you're planning on setting mocks for your students soon, there are a variety of materials you can use to create your assessments:

Please note: you’ll need your Edexcel Online username and password to access some of the materials. Your exams officer will be able to let you know your login details.

New videos: Summer 2019 exam feedback sessions

Missed our Summer 2019 exam feedback and insight discussions or would like to see them again? They’re now online, so you can watch them at a time that best suits you.

AS Mathematics feedback discussion

A level Mathematics feedback discussion

AS Further Mathematics feedback discussion

A level Further Mathematics feedback discussion

Reminder: 2019 Access to Scripts closes on 13 December

Our free Access to Scripts service for the Summer 2019 exam series will close on Friday 13 December.

It's been used by schools and colleges across the country to aid post-results analysis, help tailor future teaching plans and approaches, and support departmental CPD.

If you've not done so already, now is your final chance to download any of your students' Summer 2019 exam papers.

Please note: this service will be available for any exam paper that has been marked online. You can still request free script copies which have not been marked online, but these will not appear on the script portal. Written permission must be gained from candidates before scripts can be accessed.

Have you seen the free Guide to Tackling Maths Anxiety?

We believe in the #PowerofMaths. That's why we're focusing on tackling an issue that's seen and felt in thousands of classrooms, homes and workplaces across the nation: maths anxiety.

Our free Guide to Tackling Maths Anxiety draws on research, insights and tips from experts across education, academia, business and the third sector, who attended our 2019 Power of Maths roundtable.

Download the guide today

Coming soon...

Our work to support you and your students with AS/A level Mathematics and Further Mathematics will continue throughout 2020. Here are a few snapshots you can expect in early 2020:

  • a new set of mock exam papers, exemplifying the steps we're taking to improve our 2020 papers
  • updated topic tests
  • new practice materials

In the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas break and start to 2020.


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