Amendments to SAMs for 2015 A level English Language and Literature Paper 1 (8EL001 and 9EL001)
11 May 2015
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We’ve made amendments to the AS and A level English Language and Literature Sample Assessment Materials (SAMs) booklets, which were sent to centres in hard copy as part of the AS and A level English Language and Literature specification pack.
The amendments are as follows:
- AS level Paper 1 (8EL0/01): A new marking grid for AO4 (15 marks) has been inserted after page 32.
- A level Paper 1 (9EL0/01): The marking grids for questions 2–8 have been replaced, as AO4 was erroneously included in the printed mark scheme. This change affects the following pages: 52, 55, 58, 61, 64, 67 and 70.
The issue 2 SAMs booklets are now available on our website.
Contact us if you need further guidance or information.