Congratulations to all BTEC students receiving results today | Pearson qualifications

Congratulations to all BTEC students receiving results today

17 August 2023

August 17 2023, London: Today, just over 200,000 students will receive their Level 3 BTEC qualification in England. Every person eligible for a result – where Pearson has all the information needed to award an overall qualification grade – has received their result today.

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Students are awarded grades ranging from a ‘Starred Distinction’ to a ‘Pass’. They can now progress into apprenticeships, higher or further education, or full-time employment, often in key industries that suffer from a shortage of skilled workers.

Looking at the Level 3 students that schools and colleges in England told us were expecting a grade today, 99.9% have received a result. 189 are currently ineligible for an overall qualification grade as we have not received all the information we need from some schools and colleges to complete eligibility checks and award their result. As soon as we receive the required information, we will process and award the overall qualification grade as quickly as possible.

This year, in England, around:

  • 27,000 students will have completed a Level 3 BTEC in Applied Science
  • 23,000 in Health and Social Care
  • 34,000 in Business
  • 16,000 in IT and Computing
  • 13,000 in Engineering
  • 2,000 in Construction

BTECs are future-focused and globally recognised qualifications that equip students of all ages with the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and confidence to succeed in a modern, skills-based economy. They are developed hand-in glove with employers. One in five UK working age adults have one or more BTECs, and more than 6 million BTEC qualifications have been awarded in the last decade.

Freya Thomas Monk, Managing Director, Vocational Qualifications & Training at Pearson, said:

“Many congratulations to all Level 3 BTEC students who received their results today. Whatever your next step, whether into employment, an apprenticeship or higher education, you take with you relevant skills, experience and a qualification that is recognised around the world.

“Like all awarding organisations, Pearson's partnership with thousands of schools and colleges is essential to our ability to award grades. Thank you to all those we work with every year – we are grateful for your support, feedback and unwavering commitment to your students.

“Our absolute priority has been the delivery of overall qualification grades to eligible students. Some 189 BTEC students expecting a grade today are currently ineligible for one, as we have not received all the information needed from their schools or colleges. We want every student to receive their grades and will continue to work urgently on each individual case to make sure this happens.”


If you are a student

  • If you are a student looking for an update on your situation, please contact your school or college in the first instance, as they have this information.
  • For students looking for further advice or support, please contact us on 0345 618 0440 (from 9.00am - 5:00pm), DM us via @PearsonBTECAppr on social media (from 8am to 10pm), or via our online portal for further support. 

If you are a school or college

  • If you have queries, please call us on 0344 463 2535 and we will work with you to resolve any queries as fast as we can. We are already in direct contact with all centres with ineligible results.



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