Legal Services | Pearson qualifications

T Level Technical Qualification in Legal Services

TL Accounting: assessment support

Subject update | Mon Oct 21 11:31:00 UTC 2024

The purpose of this page is to help you understand our assessment of T Level Accounting.

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There is a sister page to help you in the delivery of this qualification.

Assessment structure

Assessment materials

Assessment admin

Examiners' reports - the Core papers

Examiners' reports are a useful way of understanding the standard that has been applied. You can see exemplar student answers to each question with examiner comments and tips. Combining a reading of the examiners' reports with the mark schemes can provide useful insights.

There are extracts from the examiners' reports as they relate to the different command verbs below:

Examiners' reports - the ESP

Examiners' reports are a useful way of understanding the standard that has been applied. You can see exemplar student answers to each question with examiner comments and tips. Combining a reading of the examiners' reports with the mark schemes can provide useful insights.

There are extracts from the examiners' reports as they relate to the tasks in the Employer Set Project.

Examiners' reports - the Occupational Specialism

Examiners' reports are a useful way of understanding the standard that has been applied. You can see exemplar student answers to each question with examiner comments and tips. Combining a reading of the examiners' reports with the mark schemes can provide useful insights.

Th information below about the 8 tasks is taken from the SAM, the AdSAM and the June 2024 exam series. 

Grade boundaries 

A grade boundary is the minimum mark at which a letter grade can be
achieved. For example, if the grade boundary for a B is 60 marks, then 60 is
the minimum mark at which a B can be achieved. A mark of 59 would
therefore be a C grade.

A raw mark is the actual mark awarded by the examiner for an
assessment. Raw mark scores can be downloaded by Exams Officers from
Edexcel Online.

Calculation of the grade


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