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International Advanced Levels Physics (2018)

November 2023 Teaching Science update

Subject update | Mon Nov 13 10:41:00 UTC 2023

Welcome to the November update for teachers delivering UK and International Pearson Edexcel Science qualifications at GCSE and A level. In this update you can find news and information to support you through the Autumn term.

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Future of GCSE science qualifications in the UK

The Pearson Edexcel Science team invite you to have your say on the future of GCSE science qualifications in the UK.

  • What do you think science education is for?
  • What should students know and be able to do having studied GCSE Science?
  • What science skills and knowledge are relevant for everyday life?

We invite parents and carers, students, teachers, industry representatives and any other interested individuals to submit a written response.  Please submit all responses by 30th November 2023.

submit a written response

GCSE Summer 2023 exam feedback events

We ran live Summer 2023 exam feedback events in October that provided an overview of students performance in the Summer 2023 exams with guidance on how to address feedback in the examiners' reports. Recordings from the event will be available soon on the Science Emporium page.

Science Emporium page

GCSE Science - New to Edexcel

If you are new to delivering Pearson Edexcel GCSE Sciences or would like a refresher, then we now have 'New to Edexcel' pre-recorded training available. This can be accessed from our training page along with other pre-recorded training that we offer. 

Feedback on Pearson print and online GCSE revision resources 

Pearson publishing is exploring how to best support learners with exam preparation and revision and would value feedback from teachers on print and online GCSE revision resources. Feedback can be provided via a questionnaire that will take ~10 minutes to respond to. You do not need to be delivering a Pearson qualification in order to participate.  
As a thank you for your time there will be a chance to win a year’s free school subscription to the Revise Online eBook platform for GCSE revision, worth £399. Schools already subscribing to the platform will have their renewal date extended for a year.

View more infomation and questionnaire

GCSE Astronomy Observation Statement

Centres are required to complete an Observation Statement to confirm that reasonable steps have been taken to ensure each candidate sitting the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) in Astronomy (1AS0) qualification has completed at least one unaided and one aided observation. In our GCSE Astronomy Specification on Appendix 5, a declaration form is presented for centres to complete - we now ask that centres only complete the below Observation Statement on our website instead - see link below.

GCSE Astronomy (9-1) Observation Statement

The deadline to submit the observation statement is 15 April.

A level Science Summer 2023 pre-recorded exam feedback

We now have Summer 2023 exam feedback pre-recorded events available to listen from our training page. In these events delegates receive feedback on national performance of candidates, consider the variation of candidates' performance on different questions and address common issues and FAQs.

Go to the training page to listen to pre-recorded events on the Summer 2023 exam series

A level Science - New to Edexcel

If you are new to delivering Pearson Edexcel A Level Sciences, or would like a refresher, then we have available 'New to Edexcel'  pre-recorded training available. This can be accessed from our training page along with other pre-cording training that we offer. 

Go to the training page to listen to pre-recorded 'New to Edexcel' events

A level Chemistry Examiner vacancies

We presently have an Examiner vacancies for A Level Chemistry. If you are interested in applying and would like to find out more, please visit the link below.

View A Level Chemistry examiner vacancies

You can view all our examiner vacancies on our website.

International GCSE Physics and Science Double Award Equation List for November 2023

The International GCSE (9-1) Physics and International GCSE (9-1) Science Double Award Physics Equation List will be retained in the November 2023 examination series for components 4PH1/1P and 4PH1/2P and 4SD0/1P. This means that students will have access to an Equation List in the exam room showing all relevant equations. The Equation List will be available as an additional insert inside the exam paper and it will be the same as the one provided to students in the Summer 2023 examination series.  You can read more about this in the update below.

Read Equation List update for the November 2023 exam series

International GCSE Science and IAL Science training

We have provided several training events this Autumn term to support teachers delivering International GCSE and IAL Sciences. We are always adding events and you can visit our Professional Development Academy page to search and book onto events.

In the near future we will be hosting the following events:


Timetables for this academic year can be viewed on our website.

Update JCQ Guidance on use of calculators in exams

On 15 September 2023 the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) updated its ‘Instructions for the Conduct of Qualifications’ document for the 2023/24 academic year to provide more clarity to candidates, exam officers and teachers given recent changes in technology.

In particular, the use of calculators in exams has been updated in Section 10 ‘Using calculators’.  Full details can be found in the in the booklet Instructions for conducting examinations 2023-2024 and a set of FAQs about using calculators on the JCQ website.

Go to the JCQ page

Pearson Edexcel View from the Lab Podcasts

Every month we release Pearson Edexcel View from the Lab Podcasts. These aim to inform, engage and entertain with the help of thought leaders, science journalists and education specialists, joining us for each episode.  The latest episode is titled 'Encouraging underrepresented groups into STEM with Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon'

Anne-Marie is a champion of underrepresented groups in STEM and co-founded Stemettes in 2013, a social enterprise supporting and advocating for more girls and young women non-binary people between 5-25 and to participate in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) disciplines.In our conversation we hear about her love of maths and computing and her journey from school to receiving her masters in Maths and Computing from the University of Oxford at just age 20. She’s a published author of 2 books and has also been the resident maths expert on the well-loved UK quiz show Countdown. And if she wasn’t busy enough, she’s also the current President of the British Science Association! 

General qualifications assessment support

We’ve got a new support page for you to bookmark – General qualifications assessment support. Here we’ll share news information and updates from Ofqual, the Department for Education (DfE), the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) and Pearson, relating to the exams and assessments for our GCSE, AS and A level qualifications. We’ll be updating it regularly so you know you’ve got all the latest announcements, news, support materials and updates to enable you to teach our qualifications, help your students with their assessments and post-results support, to enable them to progress.

General qualifications assessment support

Pearson general qualifications bulletin are also sent regulary providing you with key information and updates on our qualifications and assessments for both UK and International centres. You can sign-up to recieve these from the link below.

Sign-up to general qualification bulletins

BTEC Science news

You can view the latest BTEC Teaching Science update on the link below which contains infomation on Post-16 Level 3 BTEC reform webinairs and other items of interest.

Read the latest BTEC Science update

BTEC Vocational Qualification Bulletins

We send out regular Vocational Qualification Bulletins to keep centres informed of our support and services. You can sign-up for these and also read previous bulletins on our website.

Sign up to receive regular vocational qualification bulletins 

Read previous vocational qualification bulletins on our website

Edexcel Online and Multi-factor Authentication

In June we introduced Multi-factor Authentication as additional layer of security to Edexcel Online to help protect your centre and learner data. If you experience any problems with accessing our secure documents such as exam materials, or our systems such as that require an Edexcel Online account e.g. Results Plus, please refer the update below with links to trouble shooting steps that you can follow. 

Read news update on Edexcel Online Multi-factor authentication


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