Machining (L3) | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Specialist and Professional qualifications Machining (L3)

October 2021 Engineering update

Subject update | Fri Oct 15 10:45:58 UTC 2021

Here is your October 2021 update, linking you with the latest updates for Engineering qualifications. 

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Arrangements in the Engineering sector for 2021/2022

The following presentation brings together the current arrangements in the Engineering sector for the 2021/2022 academic year. The document includes adaptations agreed for different qualifications in 2021/2022 and information on the U-TAG process.

*centres should plan and schedule all teaching, learning and assessment and only make use of assessment adaptations where it is necessary to mitigate for disruptions to teaching and learning this academic year (2021-2022) due to the pandemic.

Adaptations in the Engineering sector – 2021/2022

BTEC Specialist (RQF) in Advance Manufacturing Engineering (AME) Specification update

Issue 4 to Issue 5 – Specification ready

As previously communicated on the 26 August – amendments have been made to the BTEC Specialist AME specification and the changes detailed in the update has been applied to the specification, which is now available as issue 5.

These amendments have been included for first teaching from 1 September 2021.

If you have learners registered on a two-year programme from September 2020, they would not be affected from this change and should complete course on the issue 4 of the specifications.

Access both versions of the specifications below:


External assessment series 2022

As you are aware, exams and external assessment are planned to go ahead in 2022. BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards and Nationals have external assessment scheduled in January/February 2022 series. You can access the dates from the BTEC external assessment overview document below:


Summer 2022 provisional timetables are also ready to view. Any feedback on these provisional timetables should be sent to

Access provisional timetables here

Entry deadlines:

Exam series Entry deadline Late fees charged from High late fees charged from
Jan - 22 18/10/2021 19/10/2021 19/11/2021
Feb- 22 18/10/2021 19/10/2021 19/11/2021
Jun - 22 24/03/2022 25/03/2022 24/04/2022

BTEC International Level 2 in Engineering first teaching September 2022

The Pearson BTEC International Level 2 qualifications in Engineering covers safe working practices and engineering thinking skills, with the following specialist pathways to choose from:

  • Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Vehicle Technology

In addition to the sector-specific content available in these qualifications, the requirements mean that learners develop the transferable skills needed to progress to further education or employment.

Currently the course materials include sample, Pearson set assignments, authorised assignment briefs and delivery guides. Use the filters to access different resources.

Training and events

Currently, there are events scheduled for BTEC Higher Nationals and the new BTEC International Level 2 Engineering. Please use the training page and filter to Engineering to access these events.

Pearson Live training events

Schools survey on a new KS4 BTEC in Maritime Studies qualification from Pearson

We are hoping to introduce a BTEC qualification in Maritime Studies for KS4 learners, as we believe that such a qualification would be relevant to present interests, encourage key skills in students such as problem solving and innovative thinking, and be a highly relevant topic that relates to their local economy and possibly future careers. This survey is designed to gauge the interest in this qualification and understand if this would fit well within your curriculum, and to identify any areas where Pearson can help to ensure the best classroom experience.

Respond to the survey here


Sign the petition urging the government to reconsider restricting students' choice of Level 3 qualifications in England, at the age of 16.

Sign the petition by clicking on the image:

Protect student voice at Level 3

Recruiting new examiners

We are looking for examiners for BTEC Tech Awards and Nationals to mark the externally assessed component/units. See below links to apply. 

BTEC Tech Award examiners (Component 3)

BTEC National examniers (Unit 1,3 and 6)


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