BTEC International Specialist and Professional

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Our BTEC International Specialist and Professional qualifications help learners gain and develop the skills they need to get started and progress in a wide range of careers.
The demand for workforce skills is increasing and the need for global certification in technical and vocational areas is growing. BTEC qualifications are uniquely placed to respond to these skills gaps by providing practical skills assessment and up-to-date career-focused education in traditional and emerging sectors.
Why BTEC International Specialist and Professional?
- BTEC Specialist qualifications (levels 1 - 3) are designed to cover specific skills and knowledge within a chosen sector and to support personal growth.
- BTEC Professional qualifications (levels 4+) are designed to complement existing experience and improve personal professional practice within a specific sector.
- Applied learning through shorter courses and qualifications allows learners to select the courses that suit them.
- Can be used as extracurricular programmes to complement other international, academic and professional courses and qualifications.
Thinking about introducing BTEC to your curriculum or offering more BTEC courses in your centre for your learners?
Explore our Specialist and Professional short courses below, and discover our full qualification suite with our A-Z finder. Find out how to become an approved centre and learn more about the BTEC delivery cycle.
Explore BTEC International