Edexcel Certificates German (2011)

Ready for summer 2015 results day
Subject update |
Fri Aug 07 15:12:00 UTC 2015
This update summarises how to access documents and services that you may need during the summer 2015 results period.
Results days for the summer 2015 series are as follows
13 August 2015 - A level
20 August 2015 - GCSE, Edexcel certificates and International GCSEs
Moderator reports, enquiries about results (EAR), uniform mark scale (UMS) and certificates for summer 2015
Did you know that from results day you can download centre-specific moderator feedback for the GCSE controlled assessment (Speaking*) units in French, German, Spanish, Chinese, Urdu and Italian? To find out how to do this please read the guidance below.
*Please note, however, that the GCSE controlled assessments (writing) are examined so no centre-specific moderator reports are available for these.
Moderator reports
Enquiries about results (EAR)
I hope that you find this update useful.
Best wishes,

Rebecca WakerLanguages