Pearson BTEC Essential Employability Skills (Entry Level 3) (2015) | Pearson qualifications

Essential Skills Wales Employability (Entry Level 3) (2015)

February 2015 update

Subject update | Fri Feb 27 17:45:00 UTC 2015

September 2018 update: Although our partnership with the Jamie Oliver Foundation has ended, we are pleased to announce that our Home Cooking Skills qualification has been extended until August 2020. There have been no changes to the qualification and its content, and you will find that our website page has been updated to reflect this change, with all new resources and support material.

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Jamie Oliver's Home Cooking Skills competition is now open!

Find out how to enter here

Traineeships from Pearson

What are traineeships?

The government has introduced traineeships for 16- to 24-year-olds in England and for young people with learning difficulties up to the age of 25.

Traineeships are designed to enable learners to progress rapidly to employment or an Apprenticeship. They're comprised of three components:

  • Work placement
  • Work preparation
  • English and maths.

We've launched Traineeships from Pearson, the complete traineeship solution delivered through our employability toolkit Skilled for Life.

To learn more about Traineeships, please email contact us.

ESOL news


We're pleased to announce that ESOL QCF has been amended and is now available for 14- to 16-year-old learners.


We've put together a selection of frequently asked questions for centres.


Extension dates for Entry and Level 1 qualifications

All qualifications up for review this year have been extended with no changes to their content. It's important to note that a review date is not an expiry date for the qualification. The review date is agreed with our regulators to ensure checks are carried out to keep the qualification fit for purpose.

Spring training dates

Training dates for the spring term are being finalised now. To see what's available, search on our training page.


Funding for qualifications for learners aged 19+

Can you help us with our application to the Skills Funding Agency? See this form for details and to give your support.

Skills Funding Agency – Latest 2014/15, and first 2015/16, simplified funding catalogues

The Skills Funding Agency recently published its latest update of the 2014/15 simplified funding catalogue. This lists all provision the Agency has approved for public funding in 2014 to 2015, and the funding rates. The list includes information on the availability of qualifications for 24+ advanced learning loans.

The Agency also released the first 2015/16 simplified funding catalogue. Again, the catalogue lists all provision the Agency has approved for public funding in 2015 to 2016 and includes information on the availability of qualifications for 24+ advanced learning loans. The funding rates aren’t included as yet, but will be added shortly. The 2015/16 version of the catalogue will be updated on a quarterly rather than a monthly basis.

Skills Funding Agency – Traineeship supporting information updated

Following the recent policy change, the Agency has updated its Traineeship supporting information. It's available in the Traineeships programme section of This is where you'll find support for employers and training organisations, information about who Traineeships are aimed at, and information about eligibility for employers and training organisations.

Other funding news

16 to 19 funding: Maths and English condition of funding – Detailed guidance on

On 10 February 2015, the Education Funding Agency updated its guidance on 16-19 funding: maths and English condition of funding. Qualifications that can be taught that meet the condition of funding now include A and AS levels, and the EFA has set out details of this. The EFA has provided more information on IGCSEs and clarified advice on continuing students. 

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Quality Nominee Quality review and Development Support specifically for Quality Nominees contact us

0344 463 2535

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0344 463 2535

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