BTEC Higher Nationals Social and Community Work (2018) - RQF

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Subject update | 5 April 2023
April Subject Advisors Update
Subject update | 10 January 2023
January subject advisor update
Qualification news | 1 June 2022
BTEC HND in Healthcare Professions' Support awarded HTQ status.
BTEC Higher National Diploma (HND) in Healthcare Professions' Support from Pearson has been awarded Higher Technical Qualification (HTQ) status. -
Qualification news | 1 June 2020
Additional Guidance for BTEC Higher Nationals (HSCEY)
Additional Assessment and Awarding Guidance for BTEC Higher National Qualifications in Healthcare Practice, Social and Community Work and Early Childhood Education. -
Qualification news | 25 June 2018
Updates to the RQF BTEC Higher National in Social and Community Work
In reviewing the development of the RQF BTEC Higher National in Social and Community Work, and in discussion with colleges, practitioners and universities, we have made the following modifications as detailed in the document below. -
Subject update | 30 April 2018
April Health and Social Care news update
News and information about Health and Social Care qualifications. -
Subject update | 11 December 2017
Extension of the 2010 Higher Nationals in Health and Social Care
Due to expire December 31st 2017, these have now been extended for registrations to August 2018 -
Subject update | 1 December 2017
Health and Social Care update December 2017
This update introduces the new Subject Advisor for Health and Social Care and provides qualification updates. -
Subject update | 30 March 2017
Higher Nationals News
The Higher Nationals in Health and Social Care are changing in 2018