Enquiries about results - summer 2014 | Pearson qualifications

Enquiries about results - summer 2014

31 July 2014

If you're not happy with some of your students' results this summer, 2014, there are a few steps you can take.

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  1. Log in to ResultsPlus for a quick analysis of your students' exam performance. See how they performed on every exam question in each of the examined units (including the GCSE examined controlled assessment units for writing in Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Urdu).
  2. Download a copy of the relevant Principal Examiner's Report on results day. The summer 2014 question papers and mark schemes are already available to download from the relevant qualification pages. GCE examiners' reports will be uploaded onto the qualification page on 19 August 2014 and GCSE examiners' reports will be uploaded on 26 August 2014.
  3. If, after having checked Edexcel Online and the relevant mark schemes and examiners' reports, you're still unhappy with your students' results, you may apply for an enquiry about results via our post-results services. Find everything you need to know about Results Day and post-results services.

Remember that the last date for us to receive applications for EAR review of marking services is 20 September 2014. The deadline for requesting a Priority Service 2 review of marking (GCE only where a student's place in further/higher education depends on the outcome) is 23 August 2014.

See our graphic below for an overview of the services available to you.

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Fees will not be charged:

  • where the EAR leads to a change in the overall subject grade for the student
  • if, for Service 3, centre marks are reinstated.

How to apply for post-results services

Speak to your exams officer if you wish to proceed with an enquiry about results. Exams officers should contact their Centre Account Specialist on 0844 463 2535 if they require further information or guidance on EAR services. All applications for enquiries about results must be submitted through Edexcel Online. If you can't submit your request via Edexcel Online, please contact your Centre Account Specialist on the number above.

Post-results review of moderation of the internally assessed and externally moderated GCSE controlled assessments (speaking)

This service is not available to individual candidates and the outcome of the post results review will affect the whole cohort. The service is not available if the original centre marks were accepted.

Teachers are strongly advised to download their individual centre's E9 Moderator Reportfrom Edexcel Online, as well as consult the content of the summer 2014 Principal Examiner's Report for the relevant unit before proceeding with this service.

To find out how to download your moderator reports, watch the video on our Moderator Reports page.


If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of an EAR (enquiry about results), you may wish to appeal against the decision. We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager) 14 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome of the EAR, during which an appeal may be lodged by emailing edexcelappeals@pearson.com or writing to the following address:

Edexcel Appeals Office
One90 High Holborn 

We cannot accept appeals directly from candidates, their parents or other third parties acting on their behalf. However, private candidates may appeal directly without the support of the entering centre.

If you have any queries about your moderator reports, please email languagesassessment@pearson.com.

Looking for information on Edexcel Certificate or International GCSE qualifications on ResultsPlus?

You can access results information for Edexcel Certificates and International GCSEs in Chinese, French, German and Spanish via ResultsPlus.

To view results for individual students, you will need to:

  1. Select 'ResultsPlus analysis' and then 'Show me results for a student'.
  2. Search for the student.
  3. Select the 'View student analysis option' next to the students' name.

The Edexcel Certificates and International GCSE information will appear under the GCSE qualification heading.

To view cohort analysis, you will need to:

  1. Select 'ResultsPlus analysis', 'Whole cohort analysis' and then 'Cohort paper analysis'.
  2. Select 'GCSE' for qualification and then 'June 2014' for session.
  3. Select 'View student analysis' next to students' name.

A list of the GCSEs together with any Edexcel Certificates or International GCSEs undertaken should appear.

If your school has registered students for ResultsPlus Direct then students will be able to access Edexcel Certificate and International GCSEs from 'My Results'.

Please visit the ResultsPlus and ResultsPlus Direct websites for more information.

Best wishes,



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