A level | Languages | Update | Oct 2017 | Pearson qualifications

Linking with others for Visiting Examiner-conducted orals in 2018

26 October 2017

Find out more about how you can get in touch with others to form a consortium so that you can qualify for a Visiting Examiner to conduct A level and AS orals with your students.

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If you'd like a Visiting Examiner for the forthcoming 2018 orals but don't have a minimum of ten candidates, you’re welcome to get together with other schools and colleges in your area to form a consortium. To help you, we’ve produced guidance on becoming or seeking a ‘local hub centre’ that includes a ’Creating a consortium 2018' link so that you can share your details with others.

NB: A minimum of ten candidates is required across each language but this can include AS and A level candidates following the latest 2016 specifications. The minimum of ten candidates must not, however, include any candidates resitting legacy AS and/or A2 units. You’re able to request a Visiting Examiner for the legacy resit units in the same way and this would still be subject to the same 'minimum of ten candidates per language' requirement.

This is a 'self-serve' facility and it is hoped that you will find it useful.

Important. Please read 'Visiting examiner conducted orals'.

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