Exciting news for your Spanish A level students
An impressive series of international webinars on Hispanic literature is being planned for later this year by Radley College, Oxford and content will be linked to texts that feature in the Pearson Edexcel A level Spanish. This short article provides some key information about the event as well as contact details to help ensure that the webinars relate to the texts being studied at your school or college.
Organised as free student support by Radley College, these international webinars will involve contributions from lecturers and professors from leading universities both in the UK and internationally. These will include:
- University of Oxford;
- The University of Sheffield;
- University of Manchester;
- University of Exeter;
- University of Birmingham;
- Queen Mary University of London;
- Harvard University;
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT);
- Yale University;
- Columbia University;
as well as many highly renowned universities in Spain and across Latin America.
Patti Hinde from Radley College, Oxford is organising the webinars and advises that the different seminars will each have a 30-minute presentation and a 15-minute follow-on questions and answer format. The sessions are due to be launched on 7 December 2020 and will have a maximum number of 15 pupils from the state sector per seminar. The sessions will be recorded and become available for free online after the event so that everyone is able to access.
There will be comprehensive coverage of a variety of Hispanic literary works including:
- La casa de Bernarda Alba;
- Bodas de sangre;
- El coronel no tiene quien le escriba;
- Crónica de una muerte anunciada;
- Como agua para chocolate;
- La casa de los espÃritus;
- Réquiem para un campesino español;
- El otro árbol de Guernica;
- Las bicicletas son para el verano;
although Patti is very keen to try and add other titles so that all of the literary works prescribed in the Pearson-Edexcel A level Spanish specification are featured.
She explains that the webinars are being set up primarily in response to concerns about the many Year 12 students who, as a result of ‘lockdown’, have missed out on a significant amount of their teaching and learning time.
‘To help these students make up for some of their lost lesson time and prepare in a unique way for the literature component of their exam, we have invited Hispanic Literature lecturers and professors, who are extraordinarily qualified to provide student support. The idea is that as many students as possible can take advantage of this unique opportunity’.
Patti is happy to be contacted so if you would like to find out more or simply express your interest in the international webinars on Hispanic literature, please get in touch as soon as possible. Please include details of the text(s) your students are studying:
Subject advisor
Rebecca Waker