New International GCSE ESL specification in development | Pearson qualifications

New International GCSE ESL specification in development

29 September 2022

The development of a new specification for our International GCSE English as a Second Language qualification is now underway, for first teaching in September 2023 (first assessment June 2025).

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Why is this qualification changing?

The new International GCSE ESL qualification will include some key changes to reflect the feedback that we've had from teachers. For example, the speaking component will be compulsory rather than optional. We are also taking into account teacher feedback on assessment accessibility.

There are no changes currently planned to other International GCSE language qualifications. 

When can I find out more and what support will be provided?

Once the new specification and sample assessment materials have been finalised, these will be shared with teachers in Spring 2023.

Training will be provided in advance of first teaching and our International GCSE ESL textbook will also be updated to reflect the new qualification. The first half of the new textbook will be released digitally by August 2023, with the full textbook in print form to be published by January 2024.

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